Beautiful Things

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Soo, I am still obsessing over Beautiful Things by Benson Boone, which leaded me to wanting to write a Fic about the song.  And I also LOVE Loki, but I hadn't found a way to add him into a fic yet.  So that created this Beautiful Things.   You see what I did there?  😂

Mare is a nurse at the Avengers Tower, and during her lunch break she finds some instruments lying around...I wonder what will happen next??? 🤔

Mare POV

"Thankfully there are no broken ribs, only some fierce bruises.  Ice it, but only for a little, and you'll be fine in no time."

"Thanks Mare, I know this is cutting into your lunch break, IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD SOME COMMON SENSE."  Nat side eyed the young trainee who was pulling their shirt back on.  

"Yeah, here's some advice," I state in a sarcastic tone, "don't go out challenging Loki to a 'little' match.  You'er going to get whooped." The young agent gives a weak smile as Nat escort them back to the training room.  They never learn, I think to myself.  

I was a part time nurse at the Avengers Tower, well, sort of.  I am attending NYU in hopes of becoming a nurse, and Dr. Cho came into one of my classes with an amazing job opportunity.  Giving the option to senior college students who were studying to become a nurse or doctor to receiving college credits to help patch up some of Earth's Mightiest Hero's.  Of course Dr. Cho spoke with Tony Stark before just allowing any student to apply for this position.  They were both smart enough not to just hand out an opportunity like Halloween candy, whoever the Avengers selected would have to have enough medical experience and common sense to be able to take on this huge responsibility.  

And that brings me to where I am know.  I have been working at the tower now for all of 2nd and 3rd quarter, but, I'm just human, and sometimes I need a break too. 

As I wander the halls of the Avengers Tower, I come across a huge ball room.  "Of course there's a ball room, why am I so surprised." I whisper to myself.   When I enter the room I am immediately drawn to the grand piano and electric guitar.  So smooth, so clean, these instruments are gorgeous! 

I go to pick up the guitar, I turn up the amp to a reasonable level and start to play.  A few simple scales to warm up.  My fingers dance along the strings, the sound the guitar creates is sweet as honey, the soft tone it creates fills the ball room.  I close my eyes as I let the music fill my soul, as the chords and melody comes together to create an entirely new world.  I begin to sing.

Loki POV

Oh great, I think to myself, another young agent thinks that they can take me on in a fight???  Seriously, I thought that midgardians were smarter than this.  I sigh as I exit the training room in search of Mare, the tower's nurse.

It's been a couple of years since I the New York incident, so Thor brought me to Midgard in hopes of "mending relationships".  Whatever though, as long as I'm away from Odin.  As I push through the door that leads me to the infirmary, my eye's dart to the sign taped on the front window.  

I am on my lunch break, if there is an emergency press the alarm button and I will be there ASAP.  If someone tried to fight Loki again, tell them to gain some common sense and to ice the injury till I get back, or go to Dr. Cho.


"Well," I mutter under my breath, "she isn't wrong about the trainee's needing to gain some common sense."  I start to head over to grab some ice, then, out of the blue, I hear a silvery voice, it's as if it came down from Valhalla.

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