𝓜𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻

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- Descamp's POV -

- 21:00 -

It got really late, since I was at the hospital and got my eye removed. I'm glad she wasn't in the classroom, that would've been very embarrassing if she saw me getting beat up by the deans nephew. Who does he think he is? And I was still sitting at home in my room at my table with an empty piece of paper in front of me. I'm not sure why I wanted to do this but I also had no reason to bully her like that. 'What was I thinking?' I buried my face in my hands and sat there for what felt like 15 minutes. I don't even know her name but she seemed like such a nice girl. Her beautiful hair and her glistening eyes looked so perfect. She didn't do anything to me but I don't know how to act. When I came back to my senses, I picked up my pen and began writing.

'Hi princess,

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about yesterday. I saw that you were almost crying and now that I'm remembering my choice of words, it probably was not the best. I understand if you don't want to accept my apology, I won't hold it against you. And from now on I will leave you and the girls alone, like you asked.
I hope you had fun skipping class yesterday, you missed a lot.

- Descamps <3'

Should I remove the heart? No, I think I'll leave it there. I hope she accepts my apology though. And I hope I'll find out her name soon. I wrapped the letter in an envelope and put it in my bag. I was planning on putting the letter on her desk tomorrow when everyone is at the cafeteria. But I still couldn't explain to myself why I was doing all of these things. I usually didn't talk about girls like that. Maybe I did it because my friends did it too? Or maybe I wanted her to notice me? Why though? Shes just a girl...

- Y/n's POV -

Today I woke up with a massive headache due to the wine I had yesterday. I'm not the type of person to get blackout drunk, I always stayed conscious no matter how much I drank. Yet I still got headaches the next day. But that's nothing a cup of coffee couldn't handle. So I went to my closet to get a dark grey pencil skirt and a fitted long sleeved black button up shirt. I added a pair of glasses and my black heels. I usually didn't wear my glasses because I felt insecure but today I thought I'd wear them again.

While I packed my bag for today's lessons, I heard commotion in the kitchen. When I left my room to check out what was going on, I found my father in the kitchen cooking scrambled eggs while...humming? »Papa? What are you doing?« I asked him confused. He turned around with a big grin and hugged me. »Good morning cerise! Did you sleep well? I made scrambled eggs.«I was taken aback by his response and stood there in silence for a second but gave »Good morning. I slept well, thanks for asking. But I'll just take a coffee, I'm not too hungry. Thank you though.« I gave him a smile. Not only was I confused about his behaviour but it made me happy in a way that my father spoke to me more than usual and even hugged me. My father nodded, with a slight bit of disappointment but understanding. While I made coffee for my father and me, he asked me: » How was your first day at your new school y/n?« At first I didn't know what to say but I came up with something. »It went well. Luckily I'm not the only girl in my class.« I chuckled a bit while pouring the coffee into two mugs and placing them on the dining table where my father was sitting with his newspaper in his hand. »You know y/n, you are just like your mother. I am proud to say that you're my daughter and I bet your mother is too. You grew up so fast and learnt to take care of yourself fast when I was at a low place, where I was not able to and I'm sorry for that. I was just so-« I interrupted him before he could say anything else. »Hey! It's okay papa. We both were at a low place but we got up eventually. Don't worry about me, I am strong because of you and maman and I'm very grateful for that.« He nodded his head silently while sipping on his coffee. While he did so, I already finished mine and washed my mug. »There, now I have to get going for school. I'll see you tonight?« I asked. Of course I wouldn't see him tonight but it's something we kept telling ourselves to make our father daughter relationship sound less depressing. »Yes, I'll see you tonight. Good luck at school and make me proud y/n. I love you.« He smiled at me. I don't know why but his smile felt like it was filled with sadness. I know he's still broken because of my mothers death but I'm glad he's improving himself. »I love yo too, papa.« And with that I took my schoolbag and left the house.

- 07:45 -

I finally arrived at the school and walked over to Michele and Simone. I greeted them: »Salut! What did I miss yesterday?« They looked at eachother and looked behind me at the gate. »You're about to find out.« I didn't understand what they meant but when I turned to the direction of the gate and saw Descamps walking inside the school yard with a...bandaid on his eye? »What happened to him?« I asked sarcastically. I wasstill very angry and hurt from yesterday sowhy would I worry about him? »Michele's brother beat him up after he pulled a prank on Mchele. Apparently he lost his eye.« Simone said quietly, not trying to draw attention. While y/n's eyes followed his every move he looked back at her and waved quickly before getting out of her sight. »Why did he wave at you y/n?« Michele asked while raising an eyebrow. I shrugged, mumbling: »I have no idea.«

After some time we decided to get to our classroom and wait for the lesson to begin. While waiting I looked around the classroom to be met with dirty smirks but descamps wasn't one of them. He looked rather sad until our eyes met because then his eyes widened just like yesterday, when I slapped him. I saw he was trying to say something but I turned to the girls and joned their conversation before he could say anything. I was not in the mood to hear his sexist 'jokes' today.

- 13:00 -

It was finally lunch time and I made my way to the bench that I sat on yesterday. I brought a sandwich from home because I never liked cafeteria food and ate it in silence. I didn't want to see anyone right now. But a girl can't even enjoy her alone time at lunch anymore because who did I see? Thats right, Descamps. I sighed and looked at him while he sat down next to me without saying a word to me. »Hello to you too.« I mumbled while lighting up a cigarette. He just chuckled a bit and handed me an envelope. I looked at him confused but he already went up to leave me be. I quickly took at hit from my cigarette and opened the envelope, inside was a letter that said:

'Hi princess,

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about yesterday. I saw that you were almost crying and now that I'm remembering my choice of words, it probably was not the best. I understand if you don't want to accept my apology, I won't hold it against you. And from now on I will leave you and the girls alone, like you asked.
I hope you had fun skipping class yesterday, you missed a lot.

- Descamps <3'

After I read the letter carefully I found myself smiling. When I realized what I was doing i quickly stopped andlooked around to check if anybody saw me. Luckily I didn't see anyone so I finished my cigarette and wrote in my Diary.

'Dear Diary,
so I'm in school right now writing this, but something really interesting happened. I wrote in here yesterday about how this guy 'Descamps' said the most vile things to me. And today he came to school with a bandaid on his left eye. Simone said that he apparently lost it. At first I didn't feel bad for him at all ad thought that he deserved it but now...he gave me a letter, saying that he's sorry and that he won't bother me again. But I don't know if I want that now. I mean how should I know if he actually changed but why would he care enough to give me an apology letter? I don't know this is all really weird. I'll let you know what happens next.'

- Descamps's POV -

After I let her be I walked behind a wall and watched her from afar. I didn't mean to be a stalker but her reaction is important on how my mood was going to be for the rest of the day. As she opened the envelopewith one hand she held her cigarette in her other hand. She took a hit of her cigarette a couple of time while reading the letter with a raised brow. Then she started smiling and without realizing what happened, I found myself smiling too. I assumed that she liked the letter, which was a relief. When she inished reading the letter, she was still smiling and put out her cigarette. But then, I think she noticed that she was smiling so she stopped and looked at her surroundings. She almost saw me so I started goig back to my friends who were in the cafeteria. I'm still not sure why I wrote her a letter or what her name was. All I knew was that I didn't want to make her feel bad anymore, so I was willing to leave her alone even though I felt so drawn to her. Her and her interesting aura...
Just her.

𝓜𝓲𝔁𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - 𝔂/𝓷 𝔁 𝓙𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓱 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓼Where stories live. Discover now