𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓳𝓮𝓬𝓽

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- Descamps's POV -

»My Mother died a year ago.« She looked a little sad and I felt bad for asking. »Y/n...I'm so sorry. I didn't know.« My stomach turned and I was left with a feeling of guilt. »How were you supposed to know? I'm over it anyways.« She smiled at me and unlocked the door to her house. Her house was average sized yet very cozy. »I like your house. It's so cozy.« I mentioned while taking off my coat. She took my coat and smiled. »Thanks. Let me hang your coat up and then we can go to my room to start working on the project.« I nodded and waited for her in the living room. Her living room was decorated with a double seated couch and a coffee table made out of dark wood. The table had a vase with a bunch of different garden flowers blooming beautifully. The whole room was complimented by cabinets, which are made out of the same material as the coffee table, picture frames hanging on the walls and white curtains with laces on the seams. It kind of reminded me of my grandmas home on the country side. »Wow, who designed your living room? Your grandma?« I joked with a grin on my face. Allthough I didn't want to upset her anymore, I just loved teasing her. And I knew she loved teasing me. »Wow, who designed that humor of yours?« she laughed a bit. I love her laugh. Wait, what? I shook my head as that thought crossed my mind. Why would I think that?

- Y/n's POV -

»Wow, who designed that humor of yours?« I laughed at my own joke, expecting him to laugh too, but instead he just looked at me with that gaze from earlier that I couldn't identify and shook his head. I looked completely confused »Joseph, are you good? Did you just get electrocuted?« He looked kind of shocked and mumbled: »No, I'm okay. Uhm, where is your bathroom?« He scratched the back of his neck avoiding eye contact. What was wrong with him? One second ago he was his usual self and now he's acting like a completeley different person. »It's down the hall, to your right.« I answered, stll wondering what happened to make that class clown get so nervous.

- Descamp's POV -

I made my way to the bathroom and quickly closed the door behind me. What was wrong with me? How could she make me so nervous? I splashed some cold water on my face forgetting the fact that I had a bandage on where my left eye used to be and wet it completely, which made it fall off. »Shit.« I whispered, concerned that y/n would've heard me. I tried searching for something that I could use to put the bandage back on but I didn't find anything. That led me to only one choice, ask y/n for help. I 'm not usually the type to ask for help. In fact, I hated asking for help, it made me feel helpless and dependand which I was definetely not. But in this case I am. So as I made my way out of the bathroom, I hid my left 'eye' to make it easier for y/n to look at me and walked to the living room. When I arrived, she was no longer there. Where did she go? I looked around, trying to find clues to y/n's whereabout and got lucky by hearing her hum in another room next to the living room. I let out a shaky sigh before I entered the kitchen, where y/n was, still overing my left 'eye'.

- Y/n's POV -

I walked into the kitchen to make us some coffee. As I put the coffee pot on the stove to heat the coffee up, Joseph came back from the bathroom, covering the spot where his eye used to be. »Hey, is everything okay? What happened to your bandage?« I was kind of concerned for him. He let out a frustraded sigh and mumbled: »Do you have something to put my bandage back on my eye? It fell off.« I saw his seriousness and how uncomfortable he felt so I didn't even thinkabout joking, it was a serious matter with his eye after all. »You want to put that old thing back on? I'll give you a new one, the old one just carries unnecessary germs on it.« I saw his one eye light up in joy and thankfulness and gave me a smile. As I made my way back into the lving room, with Descamps walking right behind me, I walked over to a cabinet and took a first aid kit out. »Come on, sit down.« I commanded him with a hand gesture. He hesitated at first and stated: »I can do it myself, I don't want you to see that.« I could see how painful and traumatizing it must've been for him to loose his eye but I didn't want him to feel like he couldn't talk to me. »No, I'll do it for you. I've probably seen worse anyway.« I joked a bit to lighten the mood. He chuckled a little but stopped soonafter. »Are you sure y/n? The last thing I want is to scare someone because of this.« I felt bad for him. I knew he did some bad stuff in school and god knows where else but I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I gave him a warm smile and nodded. »Yes Joseph, I am sure. Now come and sit.« He sighed and walked over to my sofa and sat down, still covering his left 'eye'. I sat down next to him with the first aid kit, looking at him expecting him to pput his hand away. And he slowly did, revealing the spot where his left eye used to be. He kept his eyelid closed to not give me any trauma I assumed. I Looked over his features and couldn't help but catch a glimpse of his lips, he was nervously biting. He looks so beautiful. »See, I told you that I've seen worse. You look good, even without the bandage.« His lips slightly parted as he looked at me in awe. We looked at eachother for what seemed like an eternity and I noticed that our faces got closer and closer. But before he could kiss me, I put My finger on his lips to stop him, while smirking. »You really really love me, don't you.« I gave him a wink as I cleaned up his eyesocket and put a freshly new bandage on it. He chuckled with a rough voice. »I mean who wouldn't love you?« He used his hand to lift my chin up so we could maintain eye contact. Then he used the same hand to put a hair strand of mine behind my ear. I could feel my Heart beating rapidly as I didn't stop him this time. The space between our faces got lost yet again but nobody stopped. Before our lips could touch, we closed our eyes and he crashed his lips into mine.
So much for studying.

𝓜𝓲𝔁𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - 𝔂/𝓷 𝔁 𝓙𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓱 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓼Where stories live. Discover now