𝓕𝓪𝓵𝓼𝓮 𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓼

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After a while we were almost finished and decided to finish the project the next day at Josephs house. I still couldn't believe what him and I had done just a couple of hours ago. Our faces stuck together? I never thought that this would've been possible to imagine and yet it happened. How did I feel about it? I'm not sure myself. I did enjoy it and I always had a good fun time when I talked to him so I supposed that I liked him. I was still contemplating if I really did though. I mean yes he's handsome, a lot even, and when he's not with his stupid friends, he can actually be a likable person. Maybe if he really wanted me, he would prove it, right? I mean he showed me his 'eye', which is pretty personal in my opinion, which maybe meant that he did like me.

I lied in my bed, still awake, thinking about what had happened with Descamps. My face heated up as I did and my heartbeat rapidly fastened. What am I doing with my life? I covered my face in my hands and sighed. I was supposed to focus on school and not boys. What makes him so different from all the other boys? Maybe the fact that he wrote me an apology letter? Or that he showed me his 'eye'? Or maybe because of his blonde wavy hair flowing in the wind like the hair of an angel and him looking at me in a way I've never experienced before? This boy will be the end of me...

- Descamps's POV -

It's late at night, probably 02:00 and I laid on my bed thinking about her. Her beautiful brown long hair and her blue glowing eyes. Her charm is so attractive. I never thought about a girl like that before. She's so much more than beautiful. She's caring, funny, and incredibly smart. I never imagined her being on my mind like this. She's the only girl who doesn't stare at my lost eye all the time, it's almost as if she doesn't care about me only having one eye. She's different from all the girls I've ever liked. This girl will be the end of me...

Wait, my room! I got up from my bed and immediately turned on the lights of my room. My room was a complete mess. I couldn't let her see this, so I started picking up the clothes that were spread out on the floor and stuffed them into my closet. There also were a couple of books laying around, so I carried them to my shelve and reorganized them to where they belonged. Dupin and I were also drinking beer in here, which is why there are some beer bottles laying on the floor and on my desk. I quickly took them outside to the trash bin and got rid of them. I plopped down on my bed, exhausted but also proud of myself, since I wanted to clean my room for weeks now. And I did it for her. She might be good for me after all. I wonder what will happen tomorrow at school.

- Y/n's POV -

- 06:25 -

I woke up to my father waking me up. »Y/n! Wake up, you need to get ready for school.« I yawned and got into my bathroom to take a quick shower. I brushed my teeth, put on a sleeveless tea rose colored dress and finished the outfit with a pearl necklace. To top everything off, I put on some cherry red lipstick and mascara. I didn't wear make up that often but today I wanted to be pretty.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and ate a sandwich that my father prepared for me. We talked more than usual and I'm glad we did. I enjoy seeing my father happier than before. »Who did you dress up for cerise?« My father raised an eybrow, examining my outfit. I got nervous but tried to hide it. My father always acted very protective when it came to boys and I'm glad he is. Without him, I probably would've ended up in I way that neither me or my father wanted to imagine. »No one papa! I just wanted to feel confident.« He seemed like he partly believed my explaination but he was still sceptycal. »Y/n, if you're seeing a boy then you have to talk to me. I only worry about your safety.« He warned and I nodded understanding. I wasn't seeing anybody though. Descamps and I only kissed once who knows if that will happen again. Or if he'll even talk to me or look at me. My thoughts were only about him, which made my head hurt. »Okay papa, I'll leave for school now. See you later, love you!«

𝓜𝓲𝔁𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - 𝔂/𝓷 𝔁 𝓙𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓱 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓼Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora