𝓝𝓾𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 '9'

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- Y/n's POV -

After lunch was over, I got back to the classroom. Our next lesson was english. Mademoiselle Couret entered the room and began the lesson. »Alright class, today I decided to pair you guys up in groups of two to work on a project of your favourite Celebrity to visit. The presentation has to be at least 10 minutes long and the grade will be shared.« Then she walked through the rows holding a jar with papers inside. »The papers contain different numbers, so if you find someone with the same number that is the partner, who you'll be working with. And you may not change the partners or work alone.« When she arrived at my table, I took a piece of paper and hoped that I would get paired up with Annick, since Michele and Simone already found their pairs. I opened the paper and read the number '9'. I turned around to Pichon and asked: »Hey, what number did you get?« He looked up at me in a surprised way and answered: »Uh...I got the number '4'.« I just mouthed 'Oh' and turned back around to look for my partner. »Does anybody have the number '9'?« I asked around, but nothing. Until I heard someone beside me sit down next to me. It was Descamps, holding a paper wth the number '9' on it, with a small smile on his face. I smiled back, accepting his apology and said: »So, it must be fate, I guess?« »I guess so.«, he answered while looking deep into my eyes. I could feel my face get hot so I broke the eye contact. Why is my face so hot? »You know, it's kinda weird...« I looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. What did he mean by that? »What's weird?« I asked him while observing his soft yet sharp features. He gave a breathy chuckle before answering. »What's weird is, that I never got your name. All these days I thought about it.« I was flustered. Descamps was thinking about me? And how did he never catch my name? »You're right, that really is weird.« Descamps gave me a look of expectancy. »Well? What is it? Or do you just want me to keep calling you princess, princess?« I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile. »Well, my name is-« »Alright class, get back to your seats. You will have to work on the project after school at your partners house.« Before I could tell the one eyed boy my name he so dearly desired to find out, the teacher asked us to go back to our seats and he had to give in. But as expected, he kept looking at me for the rest of the day. What a weirdo. I couldn't help but smile to myself as that thought crossed my mind.

- Descamps's POV -

She was about to tell me her name but the teacher had to interrupt her. I don't know why I wanted to know her name so badly but there was a spot in my brain that wouldn't stop itching, becaue I didn't know it. I knew the name of every girl in our class, except for hers. She never raises her hand in class or gets called on for some reason, so there's no way that anyone would know her name except for the other girls. Maybe I can ask them on our 15 minute break...

- 14:15 -

The bell finally rang and I rushed outside to wait for Simone and Michele, as Ididn't want the other guys to make assumptions. I didn't really feel comfortable talking to girls if it wasn't necessary so I didn't want to be seen immediately running after them. I stood outside of the school on the schoolyard, smoking a cigarette while waiting for the girls, when they finally stepped outside.

- Y/n's POV -

Before Simone, Michele and I left the school building to enjoy our break outside, I tapped them on their shoulders and mentioned: »Hey, so if Descamps or one of the guys come up to you guys and ask for my name, please don't tell them because for some reason Descamps doesn't know my name and I'm not sure if the others do or not. My point is that I don't want him to know until I work on the project with him, okay?« Michele nodded confused. »Okay, but why don't you want him to know your name now?« »Wait, do you like him?« Simone grinned from ear to ear, teasing me. »What, no not like that! Let's just say that I find liking in teasing him.« Both girls looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. »Don't worry, we won't tell them your name but you do realize that if you enjoy teasing him, that it means that you like him, right?« Michele commented. »Seems like you like him a lot then!« Simone stated loudly. I covered her mouth quickly with a tomato red face. »Shh! It's not like that!« The girls and I laughed and continued to walk outside where we were already spotted by Descamps's squinting eye approaching us. »Hey girls, would you be so kind to tell me the name of your little friend? It's rather urgent.« He stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets, looking down at me with narrowed eyebrows in confusion. »Sorry we don't know.« He looked at them dumbfounded as they laughed to themselves. I just stood there enjoying the show, while lighting a cigarette. »What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you guys friends or something? No, you do know her name you just don't want to tell me huh. Don't worry, I'll find out what your name is.« I exhaled the smoke out of my lugs and chuckled. »Sure you will. But more important is where we're going to meet after school for the project Monsieur Descamps.« I gave him a playful smile while he sighed. »Why do you have to be so difficult? I'll tell you what, you tell me your name and I'll tell you where we meet.« I shook my head as I took a puff of my cigarette. »No, you tell me where we meet and I'll tell you there.« He gave me an annoyed groan and offered me his hand to shake. »Deal, princess.« I grinned at him and shook his hand. »How about your place after school?« He suggested. I accepted, since my father wouldn't be home until late night. »You better tell me your name then. Don't play with me.« He stated and I raised my eyebrow. »Why is my name so important to you anyway?« He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't find the right words. He seemed so nervous for some reason and got all red. I couldn't help but laugh. He's so cute when he's nervous. He looked at me visibly annoyed and mumbled: »You're so maddening.« And with that he left. I still couldn't contain myself from laughing while Simone and Michele laughed as well. »I think they like each other.« Michele mentioned to Simone. Simone nodded her head and had her usual grin on her face. My heart started beating really fast by the remarks of my friends. »I told you it's not like that! But, you think he likes me? How come?« I was kind of invested in that mystery. Did he like me? No, then he wouldn't have said those things on the first day. But he did apologize for that and got nicer, so maybe? »I think he does show interest in you y/n. I mean, you're the only girl in this school that he talks to and he seems so desperate to know your name? Not to mention that he calls you princess, I mean that already says a lot.« Michele listed while Simone nodded every time. Without realizing I got really flustered. Did I like him? I didn't understand the world anymore. Pull yourself together y/n. You've known him for not even two days. I quickly shook my head. »Look, I've only known this guy for not even two days. I'd like to take it slow. I don't even know him.« »So you're admitting it! You like him!« Simone squealed. And I covered my face in embarrassment of how loud she was. I hoped that nobody heard her.

- after school -

School just ended as I began packing my bookbag to leave the building. When I arrived outside in the school yard, I waited for Descamps so we could go to my house. When he finally left the school building, he immediately spotted me and gave me his usual smirk. »If it isn't Mademoiselle no name. Lead the way.« I laughed and took a cigarette box out of my bag and took one out to put it in my mouth. »Here, do you want one?« I offered him a cigarette and he was kind enough to accept it. I took out my lighter and lit both of our cigarettes at the same time. That's when I noticed how close we were. Our faces were only two cigarettes apart which is not much. As I lit our cigarettes, he mustered my face with a gaze that I couldn't identify. I never saw him with this soft facial expression before and it makes my stomach flip. »Now, if you'll follow me Monsieur Descamps.« I smiled playfully while walking ahead. »I still don't understand how I never caught your name. How did I manage to get the names of the other girls but not yours? You don't even get called on in class.« He started rambling on such investment which made me laugh a bit. »You wanna know my name so bad, huh?« He now started walking beside me and nodded heavily. I sighed and took a hit of my cigarette. »My name is y/n l/n.« I exhaled the smoke before I looked at his beaming face. He looked like he just accomplished his life goal. »y/n l/n...what an interesting name. I've never heard that one before.« I ran my right hand through my hair and commented: »Yeah my mother chose that name for me. I think she read it in a book before, I'm not sure though.« I took another puff before throwing my cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. »I must say, your mother has a great taste for names.« Descamps chuckled and threw his cigarette away as well. I nodded silently. »Yeah, she did.« He turned his head in my direction with a confused look. »What do you mean she did?« While he asked me that question, we already arrived at my house. Before I unlocked my front door, I mumbled. »She died a year ago.« His face dropped. I think I saw a hint of regret. »Y/n...I'm so sorry. I didn't know.« I shook my head with a smile. »How were you supposed to know? I am over it anyways so don't worry.«

𝓜𝓲𝔁𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 - 𝔂/𝓷 𝔁 𝓙𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓹𝓱 𝓓𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓼Where stories live. Discover now