get it? alche-medic?

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The next day arrived and it was WEDNESDAY!, Felix knows he only has little time left to become a strong witch so he was eager to learn alot this time.

He got up bright and early as he looked beside to see Jeongin snuck up on his bed sleeping soundly. When eventually the two of them woke up they walked to the eating area.

Felix's jaw dropped when he saw how gold the area was and that him, Jeongin and prince Seungmin were the only people there. 

" good morning primrose you too aswell perry winkle "

" oh! you know our second names! "

" of course why wouldnt i? Mine is rather fancy, Coquelicot. "

" fancy "

Felix said as he eventually sat down beside Prince Coquelicot to eat. Seungmin then announced to the two that after breakfast they should shower and Hyunjin will be right to assist them where to go.

Since their training was starting Felix told Jeongin to hurry and take a bath since the boy was obviously excited to start training.

By the time Felix finished his insanely long shower, the two then ventured into the palace grounds where they meet Hyunjin who escorts them to the garden.

They see Seungmin sitting on a cusion on the floor as he fans his fan and their eyes widen as his 3rd eye is open.

" ah! you're here! come come! have a seat. Aureolin isn't here yet. "

" aur-rreohlin? "
" sir Minho's second name Felix. "

Felix let out an oh when he heard Hyunjin reply saying that it was Minho's second name.

Soon Felix fell into a nap and his head accidentally fell onto Seungmin's shoulder. Seungmin didn't bother of course because he was nice to people since he get's along well just not very nice when it comes to outsiders.

Minho entered the garden and Seungmins eyes quickly opened as his 3rd eye closed the same time he closed the fan. 

" Aureolin! You made it! oh right. Perrywinkle take your little boyfie "

Jeongin blushed as he slowly took Felix's sleeping body off Seungmin's  shoulder as the Prince immedietaly got up and engulfed Minho into a hug.

Seungmin accidentally opened his fan slightly causing his 3rd eye to burn painfully.

Seungmin knows that slightly opening his fan is like prying his 3rd eye open by force. He lost vision in his front two eyes and struggled with the half opened 3rd eye.

Minho held Seungmin's hands and took the fan from the floor with his free hand and calmly shut the fan.

Seungmin started crying and Minho took Seungmin into another hug. A few minutes later Minho told Hyunjin to give the potions to Felix and Jeongin since by this time Felix had already awoken from his nap.

The two quickly drank the potion. Suddenly Seungmin regained sight from his front eyes and he was resting on Minho's chest.

" hey min, what do you call an alchemist that treats people? "

" you were just crying earlier pup, but i dont know? "

" an alche-medic, heh get it? "

Minho chuckled and just swiped the beads of sweat  of his forehead. Soon Felix and Jeongin returned wearing outfit's that suit their magic preference.

 Soon Felix and Jeongin returned wearing outfit's that suit their magic preference

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