so sensitive for a bystander.

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Seungmin woke up without the warmth of his crush beside him. Seungmin got up instantly falling a bit as he got dizzy,

After getting up Seungmin walked to the garden to see another spar.

Minho was up in the air being suffocated by another glowing fist. Seungmin sat down on the cusion as he took his mirror and brushed his hair gracefully.

Felix pointed his hand covered in white magic as he made it crumple, Minho was struggling to breath so he used his ability.

Locking eyes with the now white haired young, Felix gasped and his eyes returned to his brown shade. His mouth left opened as he fainted. Minho fell aswell. Seungmin gasped as he yelled Minho's name.

You could agree that he sounds like those spoiled side characters in kdramas.

" yo-ur s-so... sen-sitive f-for a b-bystan-der "

Minho struggled rolling his eyes as he spat out the blood that built up in his mouth. Felix was blasted into the air and fell back right down on his feet.

His eyes were glowing again and now he has a new spell.

Maniac, Venom.

The chosen person that was inflicted by this spell will experience spider-like creatures crawl their body as their body slowly disintegrate into the air.

( maniac and venom are the same spell, venom is just alot stronger. )

Felix was coughing as he pointed his wand at Minho, whom was slowly scratching whatever was on his body off.

Felix was down on one knee as he was coughing still pointing his wand at Minho, soon his body gave up and his only support was his arms from falling onto the floor.

Jeongin and Hyunjin were back at it again with the breaking the bones and the being drenched on blood.

Seungmin glanced again at Minho who looked vexed at Felix and sprinted.

Minho took Felix's body up in the air by force and planted punches on the younger. He has well on lost it and was to immeresed in the fight.

Felix was hanging off Minho's arm that was attached to his neck and the younger started bursting into tears.

Felix started wailing like a baby and from below it was loud as fuck. Jeongin's kumiho ears perked up as he blasted a final blow at Hyunjin and jumped up wards.

By the time Jeongin jumped up Minho had let go of Felix and the younger was falling in the fastest speed ever. Jeongin knew if he didn't catch the younger he'd die.

Jeongin catched Felix in the blink of an eye.

Felix was curled up in Jeongin's touch wailing his eyes out as he screamed in pain. Minho glanced at the two and rolled his eyes. It wasn't Minho that was in the body, it was Aureolin.

It wasn't insane to have two people inside one body but for Minho it was. Two souls live in one body, Aureolin and Minho.

Minho is the nice and calm soul while Aureolin is the gruesome and sour soul.

Minho's body flinched and from the bottom to up his hair turned brown and the color of yellow faded away which meant Aureolin had his time.

" oh my god! i am so sorry! I was so caught up in the fight that Aureolin took over and im- "

" shut it. You hurt him. "

Jeongin glared at Minho who didn't need to say another word. Minho stood up and walked over to Seungmin who had teary eyes. Minho smiled and said,

" im fine, you know i can't feel pain. " as he kept the warm smile on his face.

Seungmin hugged the latter and as well as wailed like Felix did. Seungmin was well on too sensitive in these types of spars thats why he never got involved in them.

Whether he'd be the injured one or not he'd usually cry no matter what.

Felix was breathing unusually fast and he was basically having a panick attack.

Jeongin shushed Felix's useless wails. Rubbing messily prints against the younger's back.

Seungmin ordered the guards to take the infirmary's favorite people.

Minho, Jeongin, Felix and Hyunjin were back in the infirmary and all were dozed off.

Seungmin was walking to the sleeping chambers to check up on Wonpil, and as expected they spider like man was gone.

Then something touched Seungmin's back. He flinched to see Wooyoung behind him.

" h-huh? "

Was the last thing Seungmin said before being thrown outside of the palace following with a trail of debris.

San followed up with another blow onto Seungmin.

Seungmin wanted to fight back but he was being crushed by San's magic.

Once Seungmin had space to swoosh his fan in the air. His body was instantly thrown in the air and thrown back down as his form was that same yesterday.

Seungmin flapped his fan and it turned into a bright light suddenly enveloping both of his arms turning them into wings.

Seungmin threw his magic and wings to Wooyoung and San and the fight continued until they were blood-drenched.

Chan watched the fight from the top floor of the palace and mistook Seungmin for a weakling. The younger was the only one standing and gracefully ended the battle by having the two sentenced to prison.

" Give me a harder challenge hyung "

Seungmin said after locking eyes with his older brother.


Felix was the first one awake from the three and he instantly stood up and ran to the sleeping chambers.

He quickly flipped through the pages of the book and stopped when he smiled widely at the page.

' The spell detruire can destroy any living thing whether it be man made, natural or un living. Its core ability is to revive the dead from a flick of a wand. '

Felix giggled like an evil being. He smiled to himself and closed the book hiding it under his bed and made his way back to the infirmary.

Seungmin's 3rd eye watched as he grinded his teeth in anger. He knew from the day Felix was brought inside the palace that he would do secret things.

Seungmin grunted as he just shook the feeling off and walked to his room.

It wasn't a lie, Felix wanted to take over.

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