this is my kingdom now.

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Felix woke up at around 12:00 am in the night and it was time for his plan to start. First he casted a deep slumber spell onto the two sleeping soundly in the infirmary. For Chan, Changbin and Jisung their demise followed. 

The five all were awoken in the cellar.

The five being Jeongin, Hyunjin, Chan, Changbin and Jisung. Jisung was seperated from Changbin and he immedietaly started crying his eyes out, because Felix knew that he has developed seperation anxiety even from the slightest distance.

Felix giggled as all five gave him the eye,

" heh, i won't make this hard. You, all of you help me crumble down Kingdom Itzy and i'll let you all live! Easy isn't it? "

" why are you doing this to us! "

Jisung screamed and Felix scoffed tired of the olders useless wails and complains. Felix went near to Jisung and got a hold of the olders jaw. Locking both of their eyes together, Felix whispered something causing Jisung's eyes to loose its sparkle.

Jisung was quiet, and his body fell backwards lifeless. Felix had just killed Jisung.

Changbin started screaming Jisung's name and Felix found it entertaining on how from the beginning he bamboozled everyone thinking he was dumb, stupid, childish and insufferable. But it was all just part of one plan, to take over Chronosaurus.

Felix turned his back on moment and suddenly he's outside blowing the steam off his wand as Jeongin struggles to stay alive,

Hyunjin let out a battle cry and ran to Felix with his sword, the younger just gave him a stare and turned back around.

Blood was pooling suddenly on the floor. The flames dimmed, the sword was rusted. Hyunjin had just been killed.

Hyunjin's lifeless body fell onto the ground and his flames burned on last time before being brought down the same time as Hyunjin's soul left.

For Changbin? his body was torn apart by Felix's spell and the poor man's limbs were scattered around the cellar.

Chan and Jeongin were the only ones left to fight Felix. 

Chan let out his anger and fought with all of his life. This fight lasted until morning and the two were exhausted.

Felix laughed as he saw how pathetic the two looked. Chan fought the last of what he could before falling over his soul leaving.

Jeongin thought to himself how this outcome came and he started tearing as he missed the pure and innocent cherry haired boy.

Jeongin took his flute but he wasn't fast enough. His neck was filled with a straight line of blood before his head was decapitated from his body.

Felix has now successfully murdered everyone that wont get in his way.

Felix brainwashed the guards and the maidens, trotting his way to get the crown.

News were set that a new king was here.

Felix missed the company and didn't feel like being the carrier of many deaths.

Plus its only saturday and he would complete his goal the next day.

" detruire, " 

The spell that makes the dead come back to life with their memory still intact.

Jeongin blasted through the front standing infront of Felix's throne kneeled on one knee.

Hyunjin burned his way through from the earths floor, Chan had crash his way from above. Jisung did the same and Changbin crawled up from the floor.

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