you are so insufferable.

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Felix skipped outside to the garden as he smiled widely to see the three back at it again.

Felix sat beside Seungmin and minded the younger's business and just proceeded to take a bite of the pastries placed out on the table.

" your incompetence is disgusting you know that? Always wailing your eyes the second you realize no one isn't paying attention to you "

Felix furrowed his eyebrows fist crumpling as little bits of blood drops down. 

Seungmin knows what Felix wants and that isn't to become a well known witch hell nah. Felix want's to become the king of Chronosaurus.

" well maybe if you weren't so rude and started this conversation with a how are you then i would've actually liked you "

Felix replied as Seungmin scoffed finally facing the older.

" atleast i rarely cry, unlike a crybaby bitch like you "

" then i guess thats the reason why Minho told me your so insufferable then, BECAUSE YOUR SO ALL OPEN UP IN HIS BUSINESS YOU BARELY CARE IF HE WANTS TO BE ALONE OR NOT "

Seungmin's eyes widen when he heard what Felix has said. By this time the ones sparring have heard the two's conversation but just brushed it off and continued fighting.


Felix slapped Seungmin's face and the younger was furious,

" Dont try me, just because i look like a child and act like one that doesn't mean im not the type to be serious. I never saw you as my friend but as an enemy. Call me a bitch and you'll remember why your so weak. "

Felix said and Seungmin's eyes watered. He knew that if he didn't touch Minho's potion he would still be the weakling he was.

Seungmin had enough of the insults and immedietaly went straight for Felix's hair, Pulling it as hard as he could as his face became covered in tears.

The ones sparring had noticed and they all rushed over.

" yah YAH YAH! "

Minho yelled. Seungmin was shook to the core. His hands were thorn off by force causing them to sprain. The younger wailed again into tears ( felix ).

Seungmin was a few steps away from where he was pushed. He turned to see Felix's forehead slowly being drenched in with blood and Jeongin looked furious enough to kill an entire village.


It was Seungmin's first time hearing the older, Minho yell and it scared him. The younger was left speechless.

Seungmin was just there pathetically standing as he looked onto his hands, swollen and drenched with his tears.

Minho was infront of the younger scolding him.

Felix wailed even harder as he struggled explaining how Seungmin firstly called him childish and proceeded to swear at him.

Seungmin heard this and was just angry at this point.

" h-HEY! T-THATS A L-"

Another slap was blown onto Seungmin's face and this time it was Minho's hand.

" enough. Im tired of this Seungmin. This is why im sometimes annoyed by you because you are so insufferable sometimes that its embarrassing your the prince "

Seungmin lost it. He fell onto his knees, hands covering his ears crying his eyes out. Minho scoffed and turned to help Felix.

Seungmin seemed like the villain here. And he was even treated as one. Seungmin called out for his older brother even if he knew that even the older hated him. Everyone did. 

Then suddenly Seungmin stopped. Minho and the others even Felix had realize that Seungmin's useless wails had stopped.

Seungmin stood up and tore off the necklace that was given to him by his mother. To which it locked the promise to never take it off until his place was moved.

At this point Seungmin didn't care. 

" there. Be the fucking prince i dont give a shit anymore, you guys can live your shitty lives happy now, i-i k-know this stupid t-town n-never li-liked me any-wa-way. "

Seungmin said as his voice trembled,

" i actually loved you Minho, but i guess i was too much of a brat "

Seungmin took his fan and casted the last spell the four would last hear and left. The only thing he left behind was the dust.

Minho wouldn't lie that he cried. So did Hyunjin, But Felix just continued wailing since he knew half of his plan was finished. 

He was set to become the prince. Just a little more practice and a little more people to get rid of.

Seungmin was using his wings and he before hand had already planned to leave.

Soon he crashed and fell deep inside the forest.

Felix was quiet back in the infirmary acting like he missed Seungmin already.

Minho was in Seungmin's room watching as the guards were disposing his things. And Minho was by far crying now, he saw the one item he couldn't let be disposed.

A necklace that carved, Mrs HerO, Queen and SEUNGMIN. Minho knew the reason behind the necklace and that was because the two hounds passed when he became prince. 

Minho ran to his place in the sleeping chambers and cried his eyes out as he held the necklace.

His new quest was to find his lover. Because Minho knew he went to far with the slap and the words he chose, especially when he hasn't showed his affection to the younger.

The guards then cleaned Seungmin's former throne and gave the news to the people. 


They made it seem he died so people wouldn't think much of it.

Some cheered when they saw the news and some cried.

The majority was happiness, and the people showed their disgust near the prince.

Next it was time for Minho to leave. He knew that if the person that always calls him over isn't there his time was over. He bid his goodbye to Chan and the older bowed. And Minho left the palace being the second one off Felix's death chart.

Notice the twist? Felix may be the protagonist but that doesn't mean he can't be the antagonist as well.

Not every pure and nice soul can always go by what people think they are. A wolf in sheeps clothing.

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