burn them down Gargoyle,

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Han trembly said Changbin's name as the right person on a dragon landed.

Han locked his teary eyes with his former love and couldn't contain his sadness. He stood up and took Changbin into a hug.

" ugh! i guess now it wont be my time to fight, atleast i unlocked a new ability! "

Seungmin jumped up and down then gasping as Minho was laying on the floor seemingly lifeless.

The younger immedietaly ran to his future love and hugged him. Changbin just let his old lover do whatever he wanted because he knew that he was wrong for loving someone else and that he truely had feelings for Han.

Gargoyle, the dragon he rode flew away to finish whatever the dragon left unfinished. Dragon's these days.

The seven were escorted inside the palace with Han handcuffed as he leaned against Changbin's shoulder sniffing his rudolf nose.

Hyunjin, Jeongin and Minho were in the infirmary. Seungmin was elegantly fanning himself as his older brother sat in the middle of the 3.

" Han Jisung i am ashamed of you, i wont make this hard so you will be put to prison for only 3 days "

" ha ha- WAIT WHAT???? HYUNG THREE DAYYS????? "

" Shut it, he gets a shorter sentence then most killers around here because he was the former prince and my husband. Hence, i never liked you from the day Changbin left, Han. "

" i dont care how long it is, just let me be with Changbin! "

Changbin just went along with the youngers words as he knew deep down how Han became so brutal, sour and disgusting.

The two were escorted down in the chambers and were put inside the cell.

The Prince and King now were in the throne room and Seungmin scoffed as he closed his third eye.

" what? "

" disgusting. Their already having their own self time. "

Chan burst out into laughter breaking his serious tone when Seungmin just stood up and walked to the infirmary to check up on his 'alche-medic'

Chan suddenly removed his giggle and issued a plan on how to remove his brother from the royales. It made Chan sound pathetic and weak when he says that Seungmin acts more mature than him, makes better decisions for the village and rules alot better. Safe to say Seungmin sure deserves to be King.

Even when they were kids. Hannah could agree Seungmin was alot more mature. And that Chan was a little bad-tempered or one could say petulant.

Chan crushed the paint brush on his hand as he wrote a note to a far friend. Service of bird, the note was set off and he expects a reply in the morning.

You know Chan wouldn't do something bad like poisoning his own relative oh no no no!

He just want's to prove that he was of value to rule the kingdom and the village.

San recieved the letter and Wooyoung jumped upwards.

Choi San Canary.

Jung Wooyoung Chartreuse.

Reading the letter, San's job was to just scare Seungmin's insides with a death spar to take his place. But San wants to take it to another level.

Changbin's dragon, Gargoyle was up and about just flying through the air AND DONT ASK why the dragon has his own part in this story, i cant continue it if i dont mention the title.

" burn them down Gargoyle, " Changbin said before heading to Seungmin's, and who was Changbin talking about? San and Wooyoung.

The two chaotic and wild most known sorcerers in Chronosaurus. They're known as clowns, ones the perform in the circus.

Since their ability is to trick people. How exactly? You'll find out soon.

Gargoyle soared far and quick trying to find San and Wooyoung's place which is just a hole up in the far mountains.

Wooyoung was standing inside the hole in the mountain and you could tell someone was present. Wooyoung heard the wings flap and instantly knew that some dragon or creature with wings was hunting them.

Wooyoung basically pounced on San and the two fell on the floor, Wooyoung quickly explained and the two crawled away far from the entrance.

Soon Gargoyle burst inside and broke the curtains placed on the far corners. Wooyoung was hurt deeply but it wasn't the time.

Gargoyle used his eyes and sense of smell. And scanned the place and quickly left with a huff.

Gargoyle soared away on the way back to Changbin. Once cleared Wooyoung stuck his head out and San took the opportunity to slap the youngers ass.


San giggled and pushed the younger out of their hiding spots.


Seungmin walked in the halls of the palace as he wore a beautiful white veil, robe and makeup dusted in gold. He fanned the heat away as he walked along the corridors with 3 eyes open all glowing bright.

Suddenly he stopped and the heat came back which means he stopped fanning. Yet his eyes, all three stayed open.

Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows as his eyes dimmed darker. And something spider-like crawled out of one of the rooms.

" what seems to be the reason for your presence? Wonpil. "

Kim Wonpil Vermillion.

His distant cousin that relates to spiders. He was half half. Human and Spider.

He doesn't have magic, HE DOESN'T NEED IT.

His instincts are already strong enough to fight whatever's strong or weak.

" viiissssiiitingg ann ooldd fffrriieeenndd "

Wonpil flicked his tongue with every hiss that followed each letter.

Seungmin scoffed and tsked as he guided Wonpil to the sleeping chambers.

" stay a while, just leave the next morning, Chan would be disgusted to see you again. "

Wonpil sneared and crawled on the ceiling. Seungmin scoffed yet again and just continued his walk to the infirmary. He smiled instantly when he saw Minho awake on the bed reading a scroll.

" minminn! "

Seungmin started, and quietly waddled all the way to Minho's bed and crawled inside the blanket.

" your so obvious, you cant get enough of me can you? "

" thats your ability silly! "

Minho giggled as he stroked Seungmin's bangs. But the younger was right. Minho's magic ability was to possess anyone to have them be technically obsessed for him. Like a sasaeng in the old times.

Minho layed back down as he cuddled with Seungmin and the two stayed awake for awhile soon, the youngest fell asleep first and Minho followed his tiredness.

" i will dethrone you just. you. wait. "

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