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Seven days of witchery

Felix teared up a little as he read the last page of his said favorite book. A story of a boy who wanted nothing more than to become a witch but instead became a king.

" Its been two days, get over the damn book Felix "

*Hick*" i c-cant innie! It wa-was too good! A-atrovirens di-died!! "

Felix whined as he kicked his feet and wailed, His favorite character was Atrovirens for no particular reason.

Seungmin walked in to see Felix crying and took the book from the boys hands,

" Aint this the story where Coquelicot was dethroned by the mc or something "

Jeongin just hummed as a reply and Seungmin let out an 'oh' and placed the book back down on Felix's tummy.

Felix sniffed one last time before holding up the book and crying even harder to see a group picture of all of the characters.

Felix sniffed one last time before holding up the book and crying even harder to see a group picture of all of the characters

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Chan entered the room to giggle at Felix crying yet again at the book the younger had red for the one hundredth time.

" You really need to move on lix, you've read that book for 2 years on repeat since the day you bought it. "

Felix just groaned for a reply as he sat up and sulkily walked to Hyunjin room to complain on how no body finds interests in the books he reads.

2 years ago, Felix had found this book inside the library that was about to close. He panicked and got whatever his hand could touch.

He was never really a fantasy guy but seeing how the names were so interesting to Felix he got a liking to the book. And when the boy finished the book it broke his heart when he researched that there wasn't a part two like 16 days as a king or something like that.

Felix was the type to like a sort of item and keep it, cherishing it until it doesn't serve a purpose to Felix's short attention span.

But this book was different, Felix swore he fell asleep and when he woke up he suddenly was inside the book playing as Primrose.

Sure it made the younger sound a little insane but if it makes him happy we wont judge. Felix left Hyunjin's room and rubbed his eyes as he walked to the dining table,

" you okay mister? "

Changbin said as Felix just nodded his head as he quietly sat down and opened the book from the very start.

Jeongin passed by and noticed his older reading the book AGAIN, He just sighed as he messed with Felix's hair.

Felix was resting his chin on the table as he started reading the book in the most uncomfortable position ever.

He closed the book and just closed his eyes.

i wonder if they lived happily ever after.

And when the younger opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a different surrounding.

" yah! lets go Primrose! You're the king you're supposed to be early "

Felix lifted his head in surprise as he looked to where the voice came from, he glanced over to his right and smiled sweetly.

He saw Amaranth, Coquelicot, Celadon, Perrywinkle, Aureolin, and Quercitron.

He was back in his delusional dream, frowning quickly seeing his favorite character not present. Reminding himself that the latter had died.

He brought his body to get up and ran over to the group. All of them traveling out of the kingdom with laughter, happily ever after.

:) bye!

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