Chapter 6: Burning

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(Time: 2005)

qa: Okay, we must find the materials to make this boat!

Admin: (In mind) Save me from this fucking constant work!

Toolbox: I'm craving the wood from the trees I have brutally chopped down.

Meanwhile on the other side of the sea

Todd: Give me the stick Loduha!

Loduha: No it's mine, fuck off lil bro!

*Todd punches Loduha in the face 3 times and Loduha falls down and hits his head on the ground and Loduha's brain bounces in his skull*

Loduha: FUCK YOU!

*Loduha upper-cuts Todd and had beat the living shit out of Todd and leaving Todd with multiple bruises and a nose bleed*

Matt: Hey, hey, hey calm y'all's shit down!

*Todd tries to stab Loduha with his stick but is stopped abruptly by Keith*

Keith: Give Todd the stick, Loduha!

Loduha: *sigh* Fine, here you go.

*Loduha drops the stick on the ground and Todd picks it up*

Todd: Thanks you my man.

Matt: All of this over a stick?! You two were actually like fucking beasts doing that!

*Todd rubs the two sticks together and creates a fire*

Todd: What's this? *touches fire* Ow! FUCK! IT HURTS!

Loduha: Psshhh... Todd, you're overreacting.

*Loduha touches the fire and it burns his hand*

Loduha: Holy shit you're right! It's burns like hell!

Matt: I think we made fire.

Keith: You mean, discovered fire.

Matt: yea, yea, tomato to-mato.

Keith: Shut up lil bro, you're like 4"9.

Matt: aa- *sigh* I'll just forget about it.

Todd: We could use this for the future!

Matt: I may not have a brain, but I got an idea!

Loduha: What is your "Idea"?

Matt: We can use this for cooking. So I would not be throwing up when I eat meat.

Keith: I heard you wrong about that earlier, that's actually a great idea!

Back in the north east

Toolbox: We have finally finished the boat!

Admin: So.. how are gonna set sail in the ocean?

Toolbox: We will use the sail that is controlled by wind, and the paddles!

qa: Now do we go on the boat now?

Toolbox: Yea, but we must carry it to the water.

Admin: How about we push the boat?

Toolbox: Good idea, let's push it!

*A few minutes later*

qa: Oh my god *panting out of breath* that was heavy!

Admin: You're lucky that we reached the sea, because we couldn't have left your ass behind.

qa: *Picks up a boat paddle* I'm gonna make you eat those words lil bro!

Admin: You know what, *picks up the other boat paddle* I can be the same way with you!

qa: Fine, let's fight each other to death!

*Admin hits qa in the face with the boat paddle, qa retaliates back by hitting Admin with another boat paddle in the jaw and testicles*

Toolbox: oooof... That must be very painful.

Admin: Fuck you qa, *blocks qa's attack* you fucking cunt!

*qa hits Admin in the ankles*

Toolbox: HEY! HEY! HEY! stop this shit right now! You two could kill each other later, but now we gotta go! And also drop the paddles!

*qa and Admin drop the boat paddles*

Toolbox: Thank you! Now let's get this shit going!

Narrator: the trio set sale to the ocean to meet the other Robloxians on the other side of the sea.

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