Chapter 13) Ounce of BLOOD

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Published on:- 12/1/24 [Friday]

As his mind was in a quandary, a strange feeling covered up in his heart.

Nilay could not sway Sunaina's innocent childlike face.

His phone abruptly rang, and he saw that it was his father calling.

His grip on the phone tightened as he picked up the phone and said softly, "Dad"

His father's ears immediately picked up on his angel son's low tone.

"Nilay, My child", Nilay's father said, not so calmly.

"What happened? Tell your dad. Dad will take care of everything", Nilay's father continued to say and
Nilay took a deep breath and exhaled deeply.

Nilay's father, NEIL Khanna was a Devil. He would do anything for his wife and children. He would not hesitate to erase anyone's existence from the earth, and those who threatened his children became traceless.

"Dad! Nothing happened. It is just that I am - I am not feeling well. I am not sure if I will be able to handle the long journey or not", Nilay said, refusing to discuss Sunaina's sudden appearance and sudden disappearance.

"Do not think about it too much, Nilay. Look after yourself. We are coming back", Nilay's father said quietly, and Nilay immediately responded, "No! Please, Dad, do not come back here so quickly. Didu (Sister) needs you to be there. After all, it is my adorable niece's birthday."

But his father interrupted him, saying, "No, I am coming back. Do you believe your mother will be relieved to learn that you are not feeling well? I already did not tell her about your car accident. Your phone was turned off for the entire day. Fortunately, my call was answered by Shlok, and I learned that you were fine."

His father said to Nilay, who took a deep breath and replied, "Dad! I am good. Believe me"

Nilay looked at Shlok, who understood the situation.

When Shlok received Nilay's father's call, he did not reveal anything about Sunaina and instead only informed them about Nilay's health.

"I am coming back", Nilay's father said before the phone call was cut off.

"What happened?", Shlok inquired.

"Dad is returning to India. My niece's birthday is the day after tomorrow. But he is ready not to join the party", Nilay said, unsure what to do next.

"Nilay, We have no options for Divita. Except for her name and the fact that she is an orphan, we know nothing about her. Even if we look hard for her. We do not know where to begin. And I observed her. She is strong enough to recognize who and what is good for her and who and what is bad for her. And if we do seek police assistance, what should we tell them about admitting a young girl who was about to sell and was shot by a gangster? The cops will be skeptical of us. The police will conduct an investigation into my Aunt and this hospital. There's a high risk for Aunt to lose her reputation and also the name of the hospital. My uncle is already a difficult man, and he intends to make my aunt's and our lives a living hell. My uncle will tell my parents about how I used my authority to help a stranger. I do not want anyone, especially Perna, to find out about Divita. Perna is not here. Only God knows what she would do if she found out I donated my blood to a girl who tried to kill me by throwing a chair at me", Shlok laughed at his own words.

Nilay gave a stiff smile. He understood what Shlok was saying and he was thinking the same thing.

Nilay had no idea who Divita was. She was a mystery. She was a stranger, a child who came like thunder and left like a storm.


The Devil, on the other hand, held grudges deep in his heart and grievances in his bones as he never forgave those who purposefully poked him and his business. The PYTHONS were among those he despised the most.

Anyone would get chills from the coldness of his blank eyes.

All he desired was an ounce of his opponent's blood.

At this point, his grip on the steering wheel tightened, and Avyaan chuckled darkly as he received word from T-Rex that Sunaina was safe and would arrive at the Base soon.

"Let us put an end to this game. It is either you or me. "Not even the sky and the earth could keep me from cracking your head today," Avyaan said, as a car from behind thrust his car from the side.

Avyaan's grip tightened as he cast down his eyes, knowing it was time to make his move.

"Boom," Avyaan said quietly, turning the steering wheel completely and colliding with the car in front of him.

A loud sound echoed throughout the valley as that car fell from the cliff.

Avyaan's head spun as his shoulder hurt. His wounds and pain reopened.

Blood oozed from his wounds, but he did not flinch. He enjoyed the agony.

He grew up playing with pain and blood.

When he was looking to the left, another car suddenly appeared from the right side, completely pushing Avyaan's car into the woods.

The speed increased, and Avyaan roared, not wanting to save himself but to kill the PYTHONS.

The car window was rolled down, revealing the face of the python's leader.

"Scorpion Satan, you are now dead," Python's Leader said wickedly as he collided with Avyaan's car again.

But when Python's Leader car collided with his, Avyaan turned his car and accelerated, and when their cars collided, they both fell off the cliff together.

Other cars that were following them came to a halt near the cliff.

Another round of bullets rained down on everyone.

Python's members had all died.

The head of Hunk was injured along with other members.

They dashed into the cliff in search of Avyaan, but the next second, a large volcanic sound with a crimson hue and a ball of dust and heat echoed and engulfed them.

The car exploded, but which one? No one knew, but the truth was that no one could have survived the fall from the mountain's deadly cliff, and the blast snatched their last tiny hope.


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Love you 🤗
ShineeSunshine ❤️

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