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"The Outer Banks, paradise on earth

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"The Outer Banks, paradise on earth."


The Outer Banks: Two Tribes, one island.

The rich and the poor.

The greedy and the needy.

Kooks and Pogues.

The Pogues are people that live in the Cut, on the southern side of the island. Basically, it's the name my friends and I gave our group. We're on the poorer and the more infamous side of the island, unfortunately. Therefore, we're ignored most of the time. But that allows us to do whatever we want, since attention is usually not on our side. At least we try not to gain it.

The Kooks are the rich kids. They live on Figure Eight. They party most of the time and go to the country club to golf and eat and be the perfect example of spoiled, materialistic people.

I sometimes wonder if they're even living life. There's more to life than golfing, and I definitely experience that with my friends. I'm grateful to.

We're a group of five. There's JJ, the very reckless and immature blonde who also happens to be my closest friend. He's a big risk-taker and he always has a plan for everything, but that's what makes him JJ. He's also the best surfer amongst my friends. Surfing's his favorite hobby.

Then there's Kiara, who's basically the mom of the group. She lives on Figure Eight, which is where the Kooks live, and she also had a Kook year. But that's over now because she clearly despises the Kooks and the Kook life. That's because she had drama with Sarah Cameron, the Kook Princess. Anywho, Kiara is a nature lover. She loves saving turtles and hanging out by the beach. I love being beside her when she does these things.

Next, there's Pope. Pope is the smartest one of the group. Whenever we're in trouble, he helps. He's currently trying to get a scholarship, and  he's trying to be extra careful around us so he could get it. Unfortunately for him, we're a group of irresponsible teenagers, so his carefulness isn't doing him any help. Nevertheless, he's a Pogue. He's one of us. Also, his father owns a seafood shop, "Heyward's Seafood", which happens to be where I work.

Lastly, there's me and John B. The Routledges. Our parents split when we were younger. John B and I were three-years-old at the time.

We stayed with our dad. Not for long, though. He went missing around nine months ago. They announced him dead a while after, but neither I nor John B believe that. Our uncle took custody of us. But, he's in Mississippi currently. So, it's just me, John B, and our friends.

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