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Emma was out of the house by the morning. She was working an early shift, making herself busy to forget about the night prior. If she were honest, she was still pretty hungover. But, she had work to do. No matter how much Heyward liked that girl, he wouldn't let her off so easily if she missed work.

So, there she was, checking papers to remind herself of who bought what, just in case there were any dangers. She was so tired, she needed to eat something.

That's when she heard the bells above the restaurant's door ring. She looked up to see who it was. Probably just a casual customer, like usual. However, it wasn't. This guy is seriously stalking me.

Walking in, Rafe Cameron had a plastic bag in hand. He approached the counter with a grin on his face.

"Hey, Ems." She can't tell if he's going to tease her again or just be friendly this time. Her memory of last night is foggy, but she remembers seeing Rafe and talking to him. She just doesn't remember what she told him.

"Uh, hi?" Emma replied with a confused facial expression.

"I didn't think you'd show up for work today, if I'm honest. You were pretty buzzed last night." he joked. She didn't find it funny. She still disliked him.

"Rafe, why are you everywhere?" she huffed.

"Good question. I'm here for you this time. I got you some food. You look awful, by the way." he told her.


How could he tell her he got her food then insult her? She frowned.

"No—not awful, awful, but like..." he sighed, realizing he messed up. Just when he was trying to be nice, he ruined it. "You look exhausted, is what I mean. You were very drunk last night, too, so I got you a healthy snack and some water. You didn't eat anything yet, I'm assuming?"

Rafe placed the bag on the counter as he waited for her response. She gave him a nod, unsure how he knows all of that information.

"Yeah, I have a horrible headache right now." she groaned. Emma opened the bag to find a few granola bars, some water and a turkey and cheese sandwich. She took the sandwich out, but then eyed him skeptically.

"Just so we're clear, this is for me, right?" she questioned. He nodded with a smile. Why's he being so nice?! Is he playing a game with me right now?

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