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Well, let's catch up. I am Raven James Cade, and I am the HWIC. The head witch in charge. I am mated to the hottest guy in the school, well in my opinion anyway, Blaze Asher Harrison. All this went down about a week ago. It has been a pretty busy week. Now, my best friend's powers are starting to show. And she is freaking the hell out. In the last four days, I have went from a single, boring, teenager to the most powerful witch in the world. I was not expecting any of this to happen. Nor did I know my mother, Regina was a witch either. It was like my world got turned upside down in one fell swoop. I blame it on the book I found in Roeshell Landry's store, Hexes and Potions. I wish I never stepped foot in there. But, if I am being honest, the weird shit started way before then so I will let her off the hook, for now. We are about to fight one of the strongest demons the world has ever seen, and he wants me to be his wife. Which is super, gross. This is why our powers are unlocking now. Because of all the demons coming onto our earthly plane. Apparently, witches, warlocks, vampires, and werewolves have always been here on Earth. They just know how to hide really well.
My mate is a vampire, you see as the most powerful witches, they call us the Elementals, because we all control one element in nature. I control fire, and it appears that Nina controls the water. Because every time she freaks out it rains on us. Anyway, us elemental witches we get one mate, one supernatural mate. All the other witches and supernatural beings have the opportunity to have a second chance mate, but it has never been heard of that an Elemental witch gets a second chance mate, but who knows really. 

Well at least not me, anyway. That is what I got told, because I am the Ranee or the HWIC. I am the Queen of all witches, so my powers are more complicated than most. The Elemental witches' mates are usually never of our species. What that means is all normal witches are mated to warlocks. Other supernatural's can be mated to each other, for example vampires can be mated to vampires, werewolves, demons or even angels. But not witches, only us. In the last two days, I have been through hell, quite literally. Now it's Nina's turn. My heart is broken for her, but at least I will be there to help her through the pain I went through and so will her mate. Gross.... I am not looking forward to that revelation. You will see why.

The Elementals: Nina's RainWhere stories live. Discover now