Chapter two

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"We are two of the eight spirits of this book. We are your ancestors, Regina. "

"Just call me Nina please." I asked them.

"Ok, Nina. I am Harriett Thomas, and this is my soul mark Jonah Trudeau. We are here to guide you on your journey to unlocking all of your powers. You, Nina are a very powerful witch. As is your friend Raven. And we are here to teach you how to harness those powers for good. You see, you have the power to control all aspects of water. My dear sweet girl. But first you need to meet your soul mark so you can begin unlocking your power fully. And he is right outside the window. Please stand up and allow him entrance."

Wait a minute. What is a soul mark, and how do they just happen to be outside my window? I don't think I am buying all this. I am not about to let some random person into Raven's house without her permission.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Raven popped her head in and said,

"You called me, what's up?" I looked at her like she had lost her mind. I had not called for her and I told her as much.

"Not you silly, the book." Raven said shaking her head like this was normal everyday happenings.

"She is unsure of the soul mark waiting downstairs for her. Please explain this clearer. She will take it better hearing this from you. But first teach her the protection charms. We are here to guide but you can show her better than we ever could."

Raven sat down next to me on the bed waving Blaze into the room.

"Nina, Blaze is my soul mark. Or soul mate if you will. He is attached to my soul, he can hear my thoughts, knows my true feelings, and protects me no matter the circumstances." She said as she moved her hand over her neck.

A strange symbol appeared on her and Blaze's necks, identical symbols.

"So, what you are trying to tell me is that downstairs right now, is a man who is my other half, my everything."

Raven shook her head no and started to explain.

"No, Nina not a man." She said as she stood up, walked across the room, and looked outside. The second she saw who it was I saw fire shooting from her fingertips. She turned on her heel, looking at Blaze and asked,

"Why him!! Why him of all the people in the world, why does it have to be him? I knew it would be, but why!" Blaze wrapped his arms around her and whispered something in her ear. The flames subsided and she calmed down.

She turned to look at me and said,

"Nina, your soul mark is a Vampire." Then she thrust the window open fast and hard, and I screamed.

"He's a what?!" I screamed my whole body started to shake in fear. I didn't know how to process this. I just found out the witches were real, now vampires are real. What's next, demons, angels, and werewolves. I look at Raven and say,

"Now you are going to tell me that Werewolves, demons and angels are real!"

She looked down at her feet and shook her head yes. I was completely flabbergasted. I started stuttering and turned about seven shades of red, then the rain started again, but this time was different, this time I held up my hand and pushed them toward Raven's bedroom door, shattering it into about a million pieces. I looked from the door back to Raven then back to the door, my mouth hanging open. How did I do that?

She looked at the place her door used to sit and mumbled something under her breath as the coolest tendrils of purple and white shot out of her hands and reassembled the door like nothing had never even happened.

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