Chapter three

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I especially wanted to know if Declan could hear me all the time. Or only when he chose to do so. I really needed to watch what I was thinking about. I can't have him finding out about.... shit. He probably heard that.... I slowly turn to look at his sleeping body but am taken aback by what I see instead.

Declan is sitting up, three feet behind me, his eyes glowing red, with little blue flecks in them, they were so pretty. I leaned in closer to look deeper into his eyes when he growled. I jumped back in fear, noticing that his fangs were getting longer and longer.

"What don't you want me to find out about angel?" he hissed, creeping closer and closer to me. He lunged at me, and I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut, preparing for the hit. But he never touched me. When I opened my eyes, Blaze and Darius had a hold of him, pulling him quickly out of the room.

He was mad at me, again. What did I do? I started to cry, hard. The windows shook, and water poured in from all over Raven's room, out of her closets, her bathroom, the windows, and the door slammed shut hard. The harder I sobbed the more that the water filled the room. After about twenty minutes of deep crying, I opened my eyes and realized that I was underwater. I started to panic, trying to swim to the top, so I could get a breath of air and not drown. Then out of nowhere I heard a small voice say,

"Nina, just breathe. You are fine. You will not drown. It is not possible. Just calm down and breathe."

I looked over and see my ancestor floating in the water. I try to calm down, I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. But it wasn't water filling my lungs but air. How? How can I breathe underwater? What other crazy bullshit, was I going to find out today? Because I don't think I can handle much more.

I looked around at Raven's room, filled completely with water, everything was floating, and I am pretty sure I ruined the carpet. But wait, why did the water not leave out from under the door. I waved my hands out in a whoosh-like motion, and all the water disappeared. Everything was completely dry and back in their rightful places, like it never happened. I slowly sank down to knees, putting my arms out for the book to land in to begin my lessons, again. I needed to find out more. I needed to know what I was in for.

Holding the book in my hands, I was still shaking and was trying to figure out how and why these things were happening to me. They happened to Raven too, but she seemed perfectly ok with it. I wasn't. I sighed, opened the book, and began my lessons.

After two hours of learning to block out light, pulling water from the air, and firing it at people. I was exhausted. I had asked why the water never left the room. Apparently in my mind I was drowning so the water stayed where I wanted it too. I also found out I could pull water from people if there was no water around. It was a pretty nifty trick to have. But was warned against doing it, because if I took to much the person could die.

I slowly closed the book, stood up, opened the door to Rave's room and walked downstairs to the kitchen where, Raven, Blaze and Declan were all standing around the kitchen island. I walked over to Declan and stood near him but not touching him. I wasn't sure if he was still mad at me, so I didn't want to risk it. He quickly wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in tight next to him.

He leaned down and whispered an apology to me, I shook my head acknowledging his apology then looked at Raven and said,

"It's time." She nodded and asked Blaze, Declan, and I to follow her down to the basement. We all walked down the steps and the second we were down there; Ashton, Gage, and those two ethereal women flew into the room in a mix of black and white mist. I screamed just a little bit, while Raven was putting protection spells all over the walls, doors, and windows. I was getting really tired of all the surprises today. I have had enough. I sighed long and hard while looking around the room.

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