Chapter 1

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 "I am a what!!" I said looking at Raven liked she had lost her ever-loving mind. "I, I, I, A, A, A, What?" I tried talking but I was so shocked. Raven nodded, letting me go.

"Nina, follow us. We will explain." Raven said extending her hand out for me to take it, with a beautiful blue book in her hand. I grab her hand the everyone walks downstairs to the basement. I look around, the basement is decorated with knives, num-chuks, axes, and whips on the walls. A giant wrestling mat in the center of the floor and what appears to be two chairs with chains on them off to the side. Not to mention some really nice furniture. My whole body was shaking in fear, and I felt the icy coolness of what can only be described as water running through my veins. My bottom lip trembled as I suddenly felt this warmth radiating from my hand, calming me. I look over and Raven is looking at me, her eyes are red. Almost the color of her necklace. I jump slightly at the look in her eyes and pull my hand away. She smiled at me meekly and patted me on the shoulder. 

I have always wanted to be a witch, but now that I was, I was absolutely terrified. Looking around again I take note of who is all here. Raven, Blaze, Raven's mom Regina, Mr. Hawthorne and Roeshell Landry. I plopped down onto the sofa with a loud thud, letting out a huge sigh. I was exhausted mentally and physically and had no clue what was going to happen next.

Sitting in the oddly remodeled basement at Raven's house I pondered what had happened to me over the last 2 days. It all began when RJ started to act super odd. Her anger was out of control and her eyes turned blood red even that one time in the locker room. I was freaked out a little bit, but I already knew something was up, things had been strange lately. Almost like a shift in the atmosphere, like the stars even looked different. Not in their usual positions.

Then there was the sudden obsession that Blaze had for Raven, it was like a switch flipping, when she moved, he moved. Sort of like how a fire dances around. Just perfect harmony between them. Then at the mall, Declan was following me around, trying his hardest not to be seen. But then Raven blew up and Blaze quickly pulled her out of the mall, and they just vanished.

I went home and started to cry, cause I had no clue what was happening to me, and I kid you not it started to sprinkle in my room. I freaked out. I immediately drove to Raven's only for her to be with Blaze, Roeshell Landry and the principal of our school. I was super confused. And now I am here just sitting on the new couch in the basement, unsure of how I even got down here, or what was going on.

Upstairs Raven made this book magically appear in her hands. I peeked up at her, she was holding the mysterious book in her hands, it was a beautiful reddish color. It matched her necklace perfectly. The sounds of their whispers were starting to be super annoying. But they were clear across the room. How could I hear every single word they were saying? It was like they were standing right next to me. I felt the tears falling from my eyes as the water droplets started falling from the ceiling, evaporating before they even hit the ground.

An odd sensation came over me as I slowly stood up, pushing my hands out in forward motion. Causing the rain drops to stop mid-air. I looked across the room, at the group of people standing by the wall. As I walked toward them, I noticed that they were not moving. I slowly walk closer and quickly grab the book out of Raven' s hand. Something in my soul knew that I needed this book.

The second that my hand touched the book it turned a beautiful blue color, the same blue as my necklace. I quickly walked back to the couch and sat down. With one swoop of my hand the rain stopped, and everyone started talking again. Everyone except Raven. She was looking directly at me, confused as to how the hell I got the book out of her hand.

"Um, Nina?" Raven asks, walking up to me with a questioning look.

"Yep." I respond not making eye contact with her, while running my hand over the book's cover.

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