Chapter Four

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"I am what, now?!!" Declan screamed, looking rapidly from his dad to Raven's mom and back to Raven.

"That is not true! It can't be true." His fangs started to get longer, his eyes turning that gorgeous red, blue color. His father, Dylan squeezed his shoulder hard. Looking angrily at Regina and Raven.

"Why did he need to be told this!!!" he boomed loudly. Raven shot to her feet, and got within inches of Dylan's face and screamed,

"He needed to be told because he is mated to my best friend, and she is an elemental witch. Their mate bond is strong, and he can hear her thoughts, so he would have found out that you were my dear old donor!" Raven spit out, her anger no longer contained. Fire was shooting out of her hands and her eyes were blood red.

Dylan Stonewall stood up, he was tall, probably not Garrett tall but I would say around six foot three, he easily weight two hundred and fifty pounds and he had dirty blonde hair, that was graying at the temples, and green eyes, that were in the process of turning red. What I am trying to say is the man was scary, and Raven just yelled in his face.

"You better watch who you are talking to young lady. You wouldn't like me when I am angry." He growled down at her. Raven laughed; I honestly couldn't believe it. She, honest to goodness laughed in this huge man's face. Regina spoke up from where she was sitting observing all this madness go down.

"Um, Dyl.... You might want to be careful. She is the Ranee. She is the most powerful witch we have ever seen; you wouldn't want to get hurt." Regina warned with the hint of a smile on her face.

Now it was Dylan's turn to laugh,

"Oh, please Regina. Had you not seduced me, this little demon child wouldn't even be...."

Before he could finish his sentence, Raven had him up in the air squeezing his throat. The fire that shot out of her hand leaving burn marks on dear old daddy's skin. The sound of Dylan Stonewall choking and whining from the burns on his throat were music to Raven's ears. She grinned deep, her flames got higher. She was enjoying this.

"Raven, please put him down." A small whisper came from beside me. Declan was begging for his father's life. She turned toward her brother and saw the concern in his eyes. She slowly set Dylan back down on his feet. Declan turned to his father and said meekly,

"Dad, just please tell me the truth. For once in your life. The truth!"

Dylan seeing the hurt in his son's eyes and still feeling the burn of his daughter's touch looked down at him and said,

"She is your older sister. But only by a week. I had a weak moment with Regina during a big case we were working on. I was frustrated, angry, and she was there. She came to me six weeks later and told me about her pregnancy and I have tried to take care of them since, with the promise, that you or your mother never know. But you being mated to an elemental changed all of that. I had hoped you would take Arwan's side in this as I am, but I see you are not going to."

"YOU ARE AN ARAWN SUPPORTER!!!" Regina jumped to her feet, Blaze and Raven backing her, growling. Declan turned to his dad and said,

"Dad, how could you? You know that guy is an evil dick, right?" Dylan turned looked at Declan and said,

"Yes, son. Just like me. Enjoy your big sister, while you have her. Arawn will have her for his bride before you know it."

Declan jumped to tackle his dad to the ground but landed in a thud on the side of the couch, because Dylan had vanished with a loud crack.

Declan, sitting on the floor, looked up at me shaking his head as a single tear rolled down his cheek.

"I am so sorry, Raven, Nina. I didn't know. I would never have treated you so badly if I had known. My father kept telling me that your mother was coming for his job, and she stole a bunch of clients from him. And Nina, he told me that your mother is the reason, my mom couldn't have any more children." He said sobbing.

I sat on the floor next to him wrapping him up in my arms, running my hand through his hair and telling him it was ok.

"Shh, now. Everything is ok. I am here, I love you. Raven doesn't hate you, do you RJ." I said trying to comfort the man I loved. I looked at Rave and she had this look on her face, like she had just sucked on a lemon.

"No, I don't hate you. But if you like living, don't you ever hurt my girl. Or I can make your life much, much shorter." She said tossing a fireball back and forth, with a devilish smile on her face.

"I won't, she is my everything, besides, you can't hurt me without hurting her. He said wiping his tear-stained face. I wrapped him up in my arms tighter than before. He needed a moment to comprehend what had just happened. His whole life got turned upside down in a matter of two seconds.

After about five minutes. Declan and I stood up. I looked over at Raven and told her I was heading home, taking the book and Declan with me. She nodded as she walked up to Declan and gave him a huge hug. Personally, I know that took a lot for her to do. I gave her a nod and a weak smile as we headed upstairs and out to my car.

Declan decided to meet me at my house, because apparently, he can fly. So that makes him faster than me in my car. I drove all the way home thinking about everything that had just happened to me and wondering if it would happen to Gabi, Addi, or Garrett. My mind was so deep in thought I didn't even realize I was home. I slowly got out of my car in the garage and stretched. My body was sore but didn't hurt badly. I was exhausted and needed to sleep.

I walked inside my house, went into the kitchen, grabbed two sodas out of the fridge and headed up the back winding staircase in the den. It was a shortcut, straight to right outside my bedroom door. I lived in a two-story newer house that had six bedrooms and four bathrooms. My dad's family had money, but he opted to become a doctor instead of the family business. When my grandparents died, my dad and his brother inherited a large sum of money. My uncle runs a business, a concrete business in Biloxi, Mississippi. But my dad owns forty nine percent of it. So, our family is pretty well off.

I opened my bedroom door and plopped down on the bed. Placing the book on the edge of my dresser as I did. I sat there thinking about everything I had already been through that day. I had a general understanding of some of it. I knew that I was an Elemental witch and that I could control the water aspect of it all, but I still couldn't understand, why me of all people and what did my parents know about all of what was happening to me.

I was so deep inside my own head, thinking about everything and what my life was going to be like from here on out. Nothing was ever going to be the same. College...nope forget about it. Well, maybe. Maybe I will put it off a year. Who knows, who knows if I will even be alive in a year. I was tossing around horrible idea after horrible idea. I didn't even hear Declan come into my room.

He was standing next to my bay window, just leaning on the frame, when I saw him out of the corner of my eye. I screamed so loudly. I swore I woke the neighbors. He rushed to my side, wrapping a protective arm around me, and was leaning in for a kiss when my parents burst into the room.

"What is wrong! Nina! Are you...." Their worried voices trailed off. I turned to look at them.

"Declan just scared me is all. I am ok." I said, looking at my parents as my cheeks flushed bright red. My dad stepped into my room, looking from me to Declan and back. Then he said,

"Ok, you two. Downstairs to the den. NOW!" My dad was angry. And I could take two guesses why and they both were wrapped around my waist. I stood up, breaking loose from Declan's grip and stormed past my dad. I was so embarrassed. I was eighteen after all. That makes me an adult.

I flung myself into the over-stuffed black leather chair in the den, crossed my arms, and started to pout. I know, I know, not a great look on a supposed adult. But I was angry with my parents' violation of my personal space.

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