Chapter Five

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Declan took the chair next to mine, he went to grab my hand, but took one look at my dad and thought better of it. I was waiting for someone to say something, anything. But they just stood there, staring at us. So, I started to talk instead.

"Mom, Dad, what you just did by running into my room like that was an invasion of my..." My dad held up his hand. Looking at me sternly and said,

"Hush. We are waiting on your brother."

"Garrett? Why are we waiting on him? What does he have to do with this?" My dad just put up his hand again to hush me. The look on his face was enough to make me sit back and be quiet. My dad was a very lovable man, but when he was mad you did not cross him.

About five minutes later, Garrett rushed through the door.

"Sorry, I am late. Hey Declan! What's up buddy? Why are you here with my sist.... Oh...shit!" He looked from me to Dec back to me. Then sat on the couch. Waiting for my parents to talk to us.

"Well, now that you are all here, I can explain." My dad said sitting on the love seat next to our mom. Garrett and I looked at each other shrugged and looked back at mom and dad. We had a sort of twin telepathy. It was nice.

"Ok, Nina, Garrett. You both know things in the last few days have been strange." My dad said.

"Yeah, no kidding." Garrett mumbled. That outburst cost him a steel glare from our mother. I am glad I wasn't on the receiving end of that. Our mother was super scary when she wanted to be.

"Anyway,' my father continued, 'As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted." He said glaring at my brother.

"Things have been off. Here is what you need to know. We are witches. We belong to Raven's mother's coven, well now Raven's coven."

The look of shock on our faces was almost comical. We were literally sitting in front of them, mouths hanging wide open. It had to be hilarious to see. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How could they have kept something this huge from us? I was angry.

"Nina is an elemental witch, she controls water. And Declan is her soul mark. She is preparing for a big war that is coming." My dad continued. Garrett raised his hand.

My dad nodded to him, and Garrett said,

"Ok, dad. That I knew. I knew Dec was her soul mark three days ago. Why didn't you tell us about you?"

"HOLD UP!! YOU KNEW THREE DAYS AGO AND DIDN'T TELL ME? How could you not tell me? I reverted all my anger at Garrett. He was about to answer when day raised his hand for silence. We both shut up immediately. I threw myself back into my chair, shooting daggers at Garrett. This was not over!

"Let me explain, please. Why we never said anything to you about us? Well, to be honest. I was unsure if any of you kids would have magic in your blood. We couldn't test you until you were sixteen. It was then we found out that Nina, Raven an..." He started to say more but mom elbowed him in the ribs hard. They were still keeping secrets. I gave them a look of frustration, then dad cleared his throat and continued.

"Like I was saying, we knew that Nina and Raven had witch blood but you, Garrett you are something completely different. Your younger sibling have no magic blood. They are human. As soon as school ends this year, we are flying them out to live in Massachusetts with your grandparents until everything has calmed down." My dad said.

Aidan, Cara, and Fai were human? I mean they are seventeen and sixteen, so mom would have tested them at some point. But super weird. Our brother Aidan was only nine months younger than us. Irish triplets is what they call us. Then our twin sisters, Cara and Fai came along almost a year after Adian. It was then mom told dad, no more kids! The likely hood that they would have another set of twins was astronomical. So, mom was just done. I mean five kids in three years. That is a ton of responsibility. But I know they would not have it any other way.

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