you get into a fight - T.R

445 12 1

context: your little sister just joined hogwarts and is in first year. despite her being 4 years younger, the mean girls from your year have decided to bully and make fun of her (incredibly pathetic). one day, you happen to be walking aimlessly around the castle and see the girls picking on your sister. You've never liked them but never actually done anything about it. seeing them treat your little sister this way is what pushes you over the edge, you walk up to them, prepared to fight but not planning on starting it.
long story short, things escalated. You didn't throw the first punch, but you threw the hardest punch. (slay queen xx)

- you walk into the common room after making sure your sister is okay and helping her find her friends. She didn't get hurt, thankfully.

- the common room is fairly empty and everyone is engrossed in their own conversations or have headphones on, it's just your luck that Tom was about to go to dinner when you were coming back to clean off the blood. Some of its yours, some it's the bitch's.

- "y/n? What's wrong with your face?" 

- "gee thanks, Tom. Way to boost my self esteem."

- Tom doesn't find you funny, "that's not what I meant and you know it. Now tell me why you have blood running out of your nose and your eye is swelling shut."

- you look down at your knuckles, which are starting to bruise, and debate telling Tom the truth or not. You know that he'll find out somehow, and probably quite soon knowing how quick gossip spreads around hogwarts. Even if Tom doesn't care for gossip, it's hard not to hear about it.

- "don't worry, I'm fine."

- "I didn't ask how you were, I asked what happened. And you're clearly not fine. Have you looked in the mirror?"

- "Hey! Stop saying my face looks bad. I'm a girl, more specifically, your girlfriend. we're sensitive. Especially when it comes to our faces."

- Tom scoffs and tucks a stray hair behind your ear, "Doll, you know how beautiful you are, so be quiet and tell me who I need to kill. If you don't feel like talking, I'll happily go and ask around a little."

- after the shock of tom not yelling at you settles a little, you come back to earth and decide to just tell him. "Okay fine. These skanks were calling my sister names so I sorted them out. That's all. Nothing bad, I swear." 

- you raise your hands in surrender and the corner of Tom's lips curl up slightly. At this you smirk and look at Tom in a knowing way, you knew he wouldn't be mad because he's always talking about how he hates everyone, but him being almost proud shocks you. You know it shouldn't, I mean this is Tom we're talking about. But it does.

- Tom stays silent but grabs your hand and starts dragging you to his dorm room, seemingly forgotten about dinner for now.

- "Tom? Why are we going this way?"

- Tom doesn't say anything still, just holds your wrist tighter until you get to his room

- Once you reach his room, he pushes you down to sit on his bed and goes into his bathroom, still not saying anything. 

- "Tom? What's going on?"

- Tom walks out with a small bag in his hands, one you recognise dearly. His first aid kit. "Oh. Thank you," you say when he gets closer.

- "Head back, doll. Let me see that face of yours." You do as he says and he starts cleaning the blood off your face, he's being oddly... gentle? 

-  you can't stop the small smile that makes its way onto your face as he takes care of you, you've never seen him be so gentle and seeing him look at you so intently, looking after your cuts, it's so endearing. 

- "stop looking at me like that, darling. It gives me indigestion." You almost laugh out loud.

- "You mean butterflies, Thomas?"

- "My full name is Tom," he tries to change the subject. "Not Thomas. Don't call me Thomas." 

- "You're not slick, Riddle, I see what you're doing. You love it when I smile you just don't like how it makes you feel human emotions, you robot."

- "Hush, you'll bleed out if you keep talking." 

- "Bleed out from my... nosebleed? I don't think such thing has happened ever in history ever. I think I-" you get cut off by Tom stuffing a roll of bandages in your mouth.

- He smirks, "What was that, doll?"

- "mphu ferb fu schmill may or fis!"  

- Tom chuckles, leaning back now that he's finished cleaning you up. "As amusing as this is, how about you shut up and we go down to dinner?" 


heyyyyyyy it's been a while (oopsies) I am sorry but I may well post this and disappear again lmao but I promise I'll come back !! 

ANYWAYS drink some water, i love you, and vote or your chair will do the squeaky thing when you're sat next to ur crush at the same time someone drops a silent but deadly AND the chair won't make the sound again so now the person you like thinks ur narstyyyyy 

much love x

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