you fall asleep on him (enemies) - D.M

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1111 words yall make a wish

context: The sixth year is going on a school trip!! You're going by coach (let's forget we're in the wizarding world for a minute x) and have to pair up. Your partner is who you'll be spending the entire day with; the coach trip, the actual day out, your bathroom buddy etc etc. 

Your best friend (Pansy) has recently started dating Draco's best friend (Blaise) so, besides the fact that you two have been forced to hang out pretty much every day ever since they started dating, they have also left you all alone and partnered with each other (fake ass bitches I would be pissed if my bsf did that) everyone else in the class has already got a partner sooooooo *evil laugh*

This means you two are sitting next to each other for 4 hours straight with nowhere to get up and stretch your legs or get away from each other. Also means you have to listen to Draco sulk and talk about his father and how he's going to be HEARING ALL ABOUT THIS

- You send Pansy a glare when you see her getting onto the coach, everyone is lined up and waiting to get on, you're slightly near the back because Draco was late (couldn't get his hair right smh) but you're hoping and praying to all the gods out there that you can get a seat near Pansy.

- When it's finally your turn to get onto the huge bus, your heart sinks and you have to try very hard not to scream. There are only 4 (technically 8) empty seats and they may as well be on a whole nother bus, you would have to shout if you want to talk to Pansy. Not that it matters, you notice how gross and lovey-dovey she and Blaise are being and realise that even if you were sat next to or in front of her, she wouldn't converse much.

- "Yn why the fuck have you stopped keep moving you fatass." You manage to resist the urge to rip all your hair out. Just. 

- "Charming as always, Malfoy. So glad to be your partner." 

- "Just shut up and keep walking. You're holding people up."

- you keep walking before Draco ends up pushing you and finally, sit down in one of the empty seats. 

- "Get up." Draco isn't far behind you

- You stare, blinking slowly at him. Is he so for real right now?  "uh, let me think about it, no."

- "I like to sit by the window. move it."

"I also like the window seat, Malfoy. And I got here first. You snooze, you lose. I don't make the rules." you shrug, unbothered by him now refusing to sit down until you move, his arms crossed over his chest. You wouldn't be surprised if he threw a tantrum there and then. 

- thankfully, you're saved by Professor McGonagall (I'm sorry if I spelt that wrong) shouting for everyone to sit down because they're already running late

- "Quit pouting, Malfoy, it will give you wrinkles."

-"I beg your finest pardon-" aaaaaand headphones are on, no more Draco, just musical bliss. 

- Draco scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest but doesn't say anything more, it's not like he wants to talk to you either. 

- You lean your head on the window (suck it Malfoy) and look out at the world driving by as music blasts through your headphones.

- eventually, you find yourself falling asleep against the window but after about 5 minutes, the coach makes a sudden turn and you are literally flung to the left, which (un)fortunately, just happens to be Draco's shoulder. 

- even better, Draco is asleep also!! So neither of you notices that you are sleeping on the other (his head is leaning on top of yours) and neither of you can hit the other and start a yelling match. 

- Draco starts to stir about 2 hours in, (halfway woohooooo) and opens his eyes but, because he's just woken up from a nap, he doesn't even register the fact your head is still on his shoulder and simply switches sleeping positions before nodding off again.

- about half an hour later, he wakes up without plans of going back to sleep, and it takes him a couple of minutes but eventually, he realises you're on his shoulder.

- "Man what the fuck? Get off," he shoves you, not hard but not exactly gentle either. 

- you murmur a couple of incomprehensible words and snuggle closer into his neck, "Five more minutes." and you're out again. 

- "I will throw you out this window, y/l/n. Get your fat head off of me, you Wally."

- zzzzzzzzzzz

- Draco sighs and gives up, deciding he doesn't want to find out what you're like when you are woken up from a nap considering he has nowhere to go for a whole more hour and a half (give or take) 

- he mumbles "My father will be hearing about this insolence. I can't believe we're bloody partners for today. I deserve compensation for the inconvenience of having to babysit this disgusting waste of oxygen all day. God forbid she sleep at night like a normal person. But no, of course, she does this. Ugh, I bet she did this on purpose. How can she possibly make this day worse for me? Well congratulations, y/l/n. You're succeedin-"

- "God, you are so dramatic. Also, be quiet I'm tryna sleep here and I can't with all that bullshit coming from your mouth."

- Draco is speechless. Mouth: open. eyes: wide. eyebrows: raised. hairline: RECEEDING. 

- not gonna lie, he ends up just staring at you sleeping for a little while, proper creepy. Just looking at you take a nap, shoreeee Draco. 

- By the time the coach is about half an hour away, you start to wake up more and go back to leaning on the window, both of you acting like nothing happened, Draco still looking like someone pissed in his cereal. 

- the same thing happens on the way back except Draco secretly puts your head on his shoulder, not that he would ever admit it. (he likes the warmth) says it's so you don't get a bad neck, and when you start to wake up or stir, he literally THROWS your head to the other side so you 'won't realise' what he did.

- he's a lil bit silly sometimes x 


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