they go out and come back drunk - T.R

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context: the guys all managed to convince Tom to go out with them to celebrate the end of finals. He left about 4 hours ago so it's now 2am and you're sleeping peacefully in your dorm at Hogwarts (or if you're anything like me, you're reading until the sun comes up but shh let's pretend for the sake of the story thanks, you're a star xoxo)

- you are woken up to loud banging on your door, "wait a second!" the banging continues, "I'm coming oh my god will you fucking stop that!" you scramble to get out of bed and put on some shorts

- The banging stops but there's a sudden thud. Something (or someone *wink wink*) fell to the floor outside your dorm at 2 in the morning. 

- you grab your wand after sliding on a pair of shorts and hesitantly go to open the door to see what happened

- you open it to see your boyfriend sat on the ground with his legs spread across the width of the door frame, his back arched inwards.

- "tom?!"

- tom's head snaps up and his eyes light up when he sees you, a smile tugs at his lips, "you are so damn beautiful you know that?" 

- you look down the hall to see if his friends dropped him off at your dorm but no, he's alone. Fantastic, you have to drag him into your dorm by yourself.

- "okay tom, come on lets come inside. I'll get you some water you just lie down on the bed yeah?"

- you grab his arm to try and help him stand up, it works and he stumbles into your room. He flops face first onto your bed causing you to let out a giggle as you go to your bathroom sink and fill up a glass of water for him

- When you get back from the bathroom, he's passed out face down on your bed. You place the glass of water on your bedside table and talk to yourself, "had to be face down? couldn't have flopped onto your side? ugh, men."

- you brace yourself to roll him onto his side so he doesn't choke on his own his vomit if he has to throw up. 

- after a struggle, you manage to roll him over and keep him on his side. You pull the blankets over him and get ready for bed yourself.

*the next morning*

- You wake up to loud groaning from next to you, the princess is awake

- "shut up you big baby. there's water and ibuprofen on the table. Take them and be quiet I'm begging you." You keep your eyes closed and turn to face the wall, determined to keep sleeping for as long as possible

- "begging this early in the morning huh? Give me a chance to wake up, doll."

- you reach for a pillow that must have fallen onto the floor during the night and whack him with it, eyes still closed and you're still facing the wall. 

- "oh you're going to pay for that later." you can almost hear the smirk on his face

- "that a threat or a promise?"

- you hear Tom laugh but he doesn't say anything in response. He just downs the glass of water and swallows one of the pills you left out for him.

- after a couple minutes, you feel his arms wrap around your waist and he nuzzles his head into your neck. He doesn't say anything, just lies there with you

- "Tom?"

- "yes, sweetheart?" 

- "if you throw up on me, I'm breaking up with you." 

- You feel the vibrations of his low chuckles on your neck- you weren't joking. what's so funny? 

- "duly noted doll. I sincerely promise not to." he lightly kisses your forehead

- you nod your head, "good. Also you gotta promise me to never pass out face down again. It took me like an hour to roll you onto your side. I mean what do you eat?!"

- Tom sits up now, leaning back against the headboard. "would you like an example, sweetheart? I do still have to make you pay for earlier.." (please tell me someone gets this bc if you dont I will jump off a very tall something, I'm cringing so hard. Now you know why I can't write smut)

- "Tom what the hell are you- OH!" the realisation sets in of what he actually means. "Christ, Riddle, that's not what I meant. I mean I'm not complaining.. wait no don't change the subject, mister. You need to promise me. Pinky promise." 

- you hold out your little finger and look pleadingly to Tom, waiting for him to lock his pinky with yours

- "what are you six?"

- "what are you six-ty? BOOM ha! I got you." your grin quickly transforms into a serious expression as you wait for him to extend his pinky finger, "I don't have all day, Riddle. I'm sure Mattheo would-"

- at the mention of his brother he immediately locks both your pinkies (is that how you spell the plural of pinky? I got no clue) "I promise. Pinky promise." he quickly corrects

- "great! was that so hard?" 

- He leans back against the headboard and scowls, "shut up. You tell anyone about this, I'll have to kill them."

- "yes sir" You mock, but he takes it seriously and you notice the corner of his lips tilt up slightly and a suggestive raise of his eyebrow. "seriously? me calling you sir turns you on? That's so weird, I mean I call snape sir! eh actually he's not so bad.. but dumbledore!"

- "what did you just say about Snape?"

- you smile innocently and lay your head on his lap, "nothing of your concern, baby."

HELP THIS IS SO BAD I'm so so sorry, truly.

sorry this is short as well, I wanted to post something because we hit 10k reads which is INSANE THANK YOU SO MUCH

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