headcannons - D.M

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*I will probably be adding to these as I think of more*

trigger warning: opinion!! you may not agree with these but that does not mean you need to yell at me in the comments :')

1. for some reason wants it to be a secret that he bleaches his hair, he won't even tell you until he ran out half way through one day and you had to go get another bottle for him. Basically refuses to acknowledge that he's not naturally blonde.

2. I know he always says 'my father will hear about this' but I think he is absolutely a mama's boy. I think he sends at least 3 letters a week to Narcissa and that is how Lucius finds things out- through Narcissa telling him. His mum definitely knows everything going on in his life- when he has a crush, when his friend said something that annoyed him, everything Draco has to say about Harry, his homework etc etc. 

3. always wanted a little sister to look after. I think this is the reason he's so protective and clingy to his girlfriends because he's never had a girl (other than his mum) to protect and get really close to so when he finally does, he goes into full overload doing everything to ensure you're happy and comfortable and safe. Oh and he absolutely SPOILS you. His love language is for sure gift-giving.

4. DEFINITELY sits and has tea with Narcissa and her friends. He gets all the witch gossip and rants about his own drama and they all give him advice/encouraging words when he gets distressed about stuff. 

5. *TW // ed* I think he had a eating problems (he just wouldn't eat for days at a time) from fourth year to sixth year, it started with his father (just in general) and when he was just stressed about his homework/OWLS but got worse when he got the dark mark, and Blaise was the one to notice and get him help. He still has body image issues occasionally so you make sure to constantly make sure he's comfortable and reassure him that he looks good. 

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