headcannons - L.B

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*I will probably be adding to these as I think of more*

trigger warning: opinion!! you may not agree with these but that does not mean you need to yell at me in the comments :')

1. huuuuge swiftie. Definitely watching Tess's livestreams every night when Taylor has a show, baked a cake on 13th December to celebrate Taylor's birthday, you absolutely walk into his dorm to see him dancing to her songs at least 5 times a week, sings her songs in the shower, gets really mad at her exes as if he is Taylor, gets annoyed when the guys want to listen to Kanye West, will force you to make friendship bracelets, checking for easter eggs in every Taylor/Taylor Nation caption, post etc. Will constantly reply to you in her lyrics. 

2. pretends to help the first years by telling them their classes are on the opposite side of the castle to where they actually are. Like its literally to the point where he will lurk in the corridors for the first 30 minutes of a lesson looking for lost first years.

3. Loooooooves your hair (sorry baldies) He likes playing with it when you're cuddling (or just in general) and he gets you to teach him how to braid and do other hairstyles so that when you're tired, he can do your hair for you in the mornings. If you have curly hair I also think he would get annoyed and confused when you straighten it because he loves your curls. 

4. Secretly loves when you force him to do pamper nights with you. Face masks, lip masks, hair masks, under eye masks, nail painting, eyebrow tweezing ANYTHING he absolutely loves it. Whenever you go out shopping together he'll always make sure to buy you guys face masks or a new nail polish. He also loves it when you let him chose what colour you do your nails and always asks to paint them himself but when he asked for the first time and you said yes it was a complete disaster and your hands were a mess.

5. this guy will ask for YOUR jacket when you're out. And he will proudly wear it even though it is probably way too small and looks ridiculous. Every time he does he's like "beating sexism one step at a time" and you have no choice but to go along with it because he would absolutely make you sit through a power point on why guys shouldn't be expected to give up their jackets because they get cold too. 

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