headcannons - M.R

991 17 4

*I will probably be adding to these as I think of more*

trigger warning: opinion!! you may not agree with these but that does not mean you need to yell at me in the comments :')

1. he listens to the smiths. just yes.

2. has at least a 4-step skin care routine that he does every day without fail and he absolutely gets excited when you ask him about it because he gets to tell someone what each product is for/does. Definitely improves your skincare routine as well. He gets you two matching headbands so you can do skincare together. 

3. I feel like he would draw. And he'd be good at it as well like for your birthday you'd get a sketch of you and him and you won't have to pretend to like it or have to hang it up for when he comes over, you genuinely love it and admire it every time you look at it. He doesn't think he's good though and he will only draw for you even thought what he shows you is always incredible and you won't stop telling him so. Even then he's always downgrading or criticising his work like "oh that nose is wonky" or "I pressed too hard it doesn't look right" or "it looks terrible I have to start again" 

4. constantly needs to be touching you. Walking to class? holding your hand/arm over your shoulder. In class? hand on your thigh. Sleeping? this man will literally sleep on top of you. Hanging out with your friends? either your head in his lap while he plays with your hair or you physically sat on his lap, uses the excuse that 'there's not many seats'.

5. finds it so hot when you defend him to other people. Like he'll come to the courtyard one breaktime to surprise you but then he hears your bitchy friends from other houses saying things  like 'how do you know he's not just gonna wake up one day and decide to kill you? He is related to the dark lord..' and 'I don't know how you could date someone like that. The anger issues would send me mad.' and then you clap back with some cool insult (use your imagination I am so shit with comebacks) without even realising he's there. He would walk up behind you so you don't see, but right in the view of your 'friends' and they look horrified but he doesn't care and drags you away to fuck you in some random empty classroom.

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