Chapter 4: Not Cool

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Raven's POV

I walk to my class and left Maddison to fend for herself.

Why does she have to come back? I am already doing fine right now. I don't want to revisit old wounds and unwanted memories.

Maybe a year ago, I would have accepted her back.

Three years..

That's how long I have waited for her.

Thinking about it now, it makes me realize just how much of a fool I've been. It's also my fault for being so dependant on her.

We've been best friends for as long as I remember.

I believed her when she told me that I am the most important person in her life. I don't even care if that was a lie. To be honest, even if it wasn't true.. I can still accept it. What I can't accept though is that she totally cut me off.

My parents told me that Uncle Michael got the promotion he always wanted but in order for him to get it, he has to move to another country. So of course it was inevitable.. Maddie's departure wasn't something that I can stop. Gilberts' were bound to leave either way. Whether she and I had a falling out or not, It was going to happen.

I just wish I didn't play that dangerous game with her. Maybe none of this would have happen. Even if she doesn't say it.. I know that played a part in why she never contacted me again.

"Raven!" Travis yelled my name while waving at me.

I ignore him as usual.

He took the seat in front of me and he turn it around so he can sit face to face with me.

"She's really gorgeous.. She also seem a lot sweeter and more approachable. I think we're going to get along really well. Can you help me out?" He says while grinning.

I just scan my book page and said nothing.

"Come on Rave.. I really like your friend, Madds." He continue to say.

That made me frown. I am evidently still affected for some reason.

I am the only one that Maddison has ever allowed to call her Madds..

"She's just someone I know. An old friend if anything.. We're not close." I answer monotonously.

I kept scanning through the pages.

This is so irritating..

He lean over my desk.

"Still.. Reconnecting to an old friend isn't such a bad idea. Please do it for me. I don't want my playboy era to ruin my image. You know I've been trying so hard right?" He says.

That made me stop doubting him for a second.

Maybe he's really serious this time.

I finally turn my attention to him.

"Don't get me wrong. I like you Raven. I really like you. But I am not the type of guy who force myself to girls who aren't interested. I'll stop bothering you from now on."

He's probably being sincere right now.

"I believe you. But I'm not sure if I can do anything to help." I say.

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