Chapter 5: Over It

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Raven's POV

I just finished all my classes today.

I can't wait to get home and shower. Maybe I should have skip my afternoon classes.

I can't believe I did it in school. I'm becoming more daring..

"Hello Hottie.." Vicky squeezed my ass subtly.

It made me jump and move away.

She held my arm and pull me closer.

"Knowing that you're not wearing any underwear right now is turning me on again."

I close her mouth with my other hand.

"Geez Vicky, can you not start right now. I swear you're making this obvious." I say in a low voice.

I didn't want to get other people's attention.

I put some distance between us.

"Fine.. fine." She try to grab my hand again but I shook her off. "Hey, I won't mess around anymore." She says pouting.

I continue walking and she follows me.

"Should we grab something to eat?" She invited me.

But the thing is, whenever she invites me.. it's never really just about food so I said "No.. I'm going home."

"But I'm hungry. We didn't even eat lunch. Aren't you hungry?" She ask.

I am but I don't care.

"Do you really think I will go anywhere right now? It's your fault. If you haven't drag me to that classroom..."

"Raven, Yo! Over here!" Travis shouts at me to get my attention.

I turn my attention to him. He was standing right beside her..

"Maddison?" I say quietly.

What is she still doing here? Why is she with him right now?

"So this explains why Travis is not following you like a puppy."

Vicky and I walk towards them.

"I see you found a new victim." Vicky says teasingly while he nudge Travis ribs.

"Shut up.." he reply to her.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask Maddison.

She was looking at Vicky but then she turn her attention to me when I spoke.

"I invited her out to eat.. but she insist that we should invite you too." Travis spoke for her.

"What's going on? Do you know her?" Vicky ask while glancing at me and then at her.

"She's Raven's friend." Travis answers her question.

Vicky held my hand and press it gently.

"Is it true? How come you never mention such a pretty friend?"

I am just staring at Maddison who was also staring at me.

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