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Caspian sighed and turned her phone over, looking at who was calling her.
Oh my godddd... Can you just leave me alone, woman?
She picked up the phone and held it by her ear, spinning around in the spinny chair that she was sitting on.
She inhaled before speaking.

"Hello, mom." Caspian began.
"Hello, young man," the woman on the other side of the phone said.
"Mom, I'm a girl."
"Okay, okay, I don't care. Anyway.."

Caspian frowned.

"...Did you get a job yet?" Her mother asked sharply.
Caspian would usually reply with no, but now she could finally tell her mother she had a job. And maybe if she stretched reality a little she could make her mom jealous or maybe even proud.
Her mom was shallow and all she wanted in life was money, money, and money. She had stolen money from Caspian's father (who was a very nice guy) and wasted it on purses, perfume, lipstick, and other unimportant things like that.

"Yes, actually."
"Do you make a lot of money? Is it a good job?"
Caspian could basically hear her mother's interest pique. She smiled smugly.
"Mhm. I make so much money now. And I don't have to pay for a house because I'm allowed to live here at my workplace."
Her mother went silent for a moment, so she continued.
"And I work for a secret government project. I don't need you anymore."

She was about to hang up but waited one moment as her mother began to ramble.

"Wait, wait, honey! I know it hasn't seemed like it but I love you with all of my heart and I'm so proud of you and I need a bit of money right now, could you lend me some?-"
"No, Colleen. I never want you to call me again."
"Wait! Hear me ou-"
"NO! I don't wanna give you my hard-earned government money just so you can get 50 sticks of the same color of lipstick! Or purses! Or anything! Just fuck off and leave me alone!"

...And Caspian hung up.
She didn't know why she had gotten so angry at her mother, but she didn't really feel bad. She finally got her feet on the ground and her rich and spoiled mother wanted her money.
She had lied about her earnings, she didn't even know how much she was earning there, but she still was angry.

She sighed and looked at the time.
It was only around 6:49 PM.
But what was the harm in getting a little more sleep? She stood up and walked over to her new bed. It looked way more comfortable than the stiff bed in her old apartment.
She settled down into the bed, covering herself in the thick and soft blankets. She wasn't that tired, so she sat there, staring blankly at the ceiling until she finally drifted off to sleep and into the land of dreams.

TAINTED // KAIJU PARADISE FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now