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Disparu was staring down at the ground. The scientists had moved Carnelian to another cell temporarily so they could do what they needed to do without any interruptions. He blinked at the scratched-up stone tiles.
I don't know what to say. Or think. Or do.
He blinked again.
What will I do this time?
He couldn't keep running from his problems, he couldn't run at all, in fact. He was stuck in this hellish prison.
Well, he wouldn't be there much longer, but..
What comes after?
The secrets, the freedom, the knowledge, was all under lock and key. Maybe, just maybe, beyond this land tainted by sin, could be a paradise? He could dream.
Sadly, his dreams were interrupted by the swoosh of a card on the handle, the clicking of the door, and the scraping of the scientists entering the room.
It's time.
He stood up, offering himself to the scientists, accepting his fate. More scientists entered the cell, filling up the small space. One seized his left arm, and the other his right, with thick gloves on to not get infected with The Virus. The scientists began to move, but he stood his ground, planting his feet confidently on the floor.
One scientist growled and yanked him into the hallway, escorting him through the corridors.
They made sure that every Gootrax could see as they walked him to his demise, as a sign of dominance, probably.
The world was like a piece of parchment, it kept unfolding to reveal more and more. Maybe it was time to tear the parchment, maybe it was time to throw it in the fire and see what would come of it. Ashes, we all know when something burns, ashes come, but what comes after the ashes?
We'll have to see.

It was dark.
It was tight.
There was no room.
There was no time.
She couldn't stall.
She had to escape.
She had to save him.
The one Gootraxian.
The reason she kept fighting.
If he was taken away
What would become?
What would become of the world?
What would become of her?
She didn't want to know.
She wouldn't find out.
She would escape.
She had to.
She bit and scratched and fought.
But nothing seemed to work.
Maybe it was time to let go.
Just maybe.

Every Slime Pup loved being taken to the garden for playtime. It was their nature, playing, socializing.
Yule was an exception, though.
They sat in the corner of the garden, hiding in the darkest area. They looked down at their bright white paws, they were shaking, their otherworldly glow became dim against the smooth stone.
Put, put, put...
Yule instinctively looked up at the sound of gooey paws against the rock floors.
A deep red Slime Pup stood before them, adorned with little leaves and sprouts that made her resemble an apple.
"Im Abble!"
This Slime Pup, named Abble, sported odd green markings unlike any others'.
"U loook lonly, wanna be frens?"
She extended a paw, tilting her head and wagging her tail. Yule began to reach out in response, but hesitated.
...Is this what I want? She wants me to be her friend, but I don't exactly want to be hers...
Yule shook their head at the kind offer.
Abble walked away, leaving Yule alone in the corner yet again. They didn't mean to make the unique little Slime Pup sad, but they didn't want to make themself sad either.
Is this what they call 'thinking for yourself'?
This isn't so bad...

Rattle rattle...
The shelf shook as Kuzima placed a clawed paw on the next shelf.
"Kuzima, that isn't gonna end well for ya," his cell-mate, a beetle Figs named Celadon, warned.
He placed his foot on the next shelf.
"Climbing the shelf or digging through the wall?"
He had been slowly (but totally surely) making a hole in the wall by the top shelf to escape the little cell.
It brought excitement and risk to his bland life, something that had been missing from the puzzle. He needed something to waste his time on, as waiting around or speaking to Celadon was B-O-R-I-N-G, boring.
Rattle rattle...
The shelf shook yet again. "Okay.. Just be safe," Celadon paused to watch as he reached for the top shelf before responding, "When you escape this rancid shit-hole, do something for me, will ya?"
His mind was elsewhere as he pulled himself onto the top shelf, removing boxes to find the hole in the wall he had been working on. "Mhm, mhm, what is it?"
The hole was small, but at least he could see through it. It was early morning, but Curfew hadn't ended yet, so no scientists roamed the walls. "See the stars."
"The stars?"
"The stars."
"That's boring. You want me to stare at a bunch of white dots?"

(I wrote this late at night, some parts are bound not to make sense as I'm pretty loopy. Especially the first short story, I don't know what I was trying to do.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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