𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏

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Lafayette Cemetery- Altar 

Klaus sees a wrought iron fence, and breaks off one of the spikes. He throws it forcefully toward Abigail, which impales her through the stomach and kills her, breaking the connection that she and Monique had to the ancestors.

Monique quickly runs to grab the athame to finish the sacrifice herself. Klaus and Elijah vamp-speed toward her, but she uses her magic to block them using a wall of fire.

"Nooo!" Hayley screams in agony

Genevieve continues the pain infliction spell to prevent her interference. Just as Monique is about to sacrifice the baby, fire blocking the Klaus and Elijah vanishes but when they try to reach the baby they are met with a invisible barrier, Monique and Genevieve don't feel the power of the ancestors anymore.

Suddenly both the girls fall on the ground clutching their hearts, and a girl comes in front of the the witches who are writhing in pain.

"You witches never learn do you?" the said in a cold voice void of any emotion in them, "you wanted to sacrifice a new born baby, all in the name of power!"

She kicks Genevieve in the stomach, "I warned you, didn't I ? And you went against my word twice; and now all the power the felt is gone, you know why?"

She grabs Genevieve by her hair to bring closer her to her face, "Ask me why?"

"Why!" Genevieve asks in pain and fear

"Because I took the power." the girl said with a vicious smile on her face, she threw her back on the ground and with a flick of a wrist she ripped their heart out of their body.

The girl took the baby with gentle hands, like she didn't rip the hearts of those witches a few moments ago, the barrier fell down and the girl with red and black hair handed the child back to Hayley.

Marcel came into the scene and ran towards the girl to hug her. The girl hugged him tightly.

When they break apart the girl asks a question, "Who is Esther?"

"Our mother" said Elijah

"Why are you asking this?" questions Marcel

"She is the one who gave the decree, to sacrifice the baby"

"So, not even death can stop my mother from seeking the annihilation of her own flesh and blood." stated Elijah

"Who are you?" asks Klaus 

"I am Akane Young, Marcel's niece"

Akane goes to Hayley and says, "Lets go its not safe to be at the cemetery for long."

"Thank you" says Hayley with tears in her eyes.

"There is no need to thank me, I did what was right" she caresses the child's cheeks and says in a sad voice, "I couldn't save my mother at this altar, the least I can do is to prevent the death of another innocent here" she gave a small smile to Hayley.

The Mikaelson Compound 

The bodies of dead and bitten vampires, strewn across the compound.

"I was too late, there should have been more time." says Marcel

"Looks the wolves came back to finish what they started" states Klaus

"None of if would have happed, if you had called me!" anger present in her voice

Before Marcel could reply Klaus says, "I will heal them."

"This bite, all this..." He looks over at Diego's dead body, "I know it didn't come from nowhere. This is the last note in a song that I started a century ago when I brought your dad to town. And for that, I am sorry."  Marcel kneels in front of Klaus for forgiveness.

Klaus looks at Akane, who was standing beside kneeling Marcel, kneels in front of her which shocks everyone in the room, he continues, "You saved my daughter, I will heal them." He extends his hand towards Marcel who was kneeling in front of him and says, "I forgive you."

Marcel drinks from Klaus' wrist. He takes the baby from Hayley's arms and Klaus coos at her, the baby looks over at Akane and Marcel, they smile with joy. They laugh. Behind them hiding in shadows, Mikeal is watching them, holding the indestructible white oak stake.

Klaus is holding the swaddled baby as he stands in the baby's nursery. He lays her down in her crib and watches her with interest. Mikael climbs up the stairs with the stake. Mikael is about to walk in the nursery when he freezes, blocked by an invisible barrier. Behind him, Davina appears. When Klaus walks out of the nursery and into the hallway to investigate, Mikael and Davina are gone.

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