𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟏

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Akane headed for the Mikaelson compound with Taeyang in tow.

while they were walking towards the compound. Akane asks Taeyang a few questions about his life.

"So, what have you been doing? Other kidnapping people?" 

"Touché, little one. I am writing another novel" reveals Taeyang

"Really?" she asks very interested

"I only need to make some edits and the final draft will be ready" 

"I will be waiting to read it!" Akane says excitedly.

Anyone who didn't know them would think, that a father was walking down the street with his daughter; the warmth that radiated off them when they were around each other was a bond stronger than anything else.

Anyone who didn't know them would think, that a father was walking down the street with his daughter; the warmth that radiated off them when they were around each other was a bond stronger than anything else

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Klaus, Marcel, and Hayley are in Klaus' study, where he's pulling a pair of the magic-cancelling manacles that Kol's witches enchanted into dark objects in 1914.

"I should really stop packing these away. There's always one family member or another in need of a good shackling." He hands the manacles to Marcel, "Find Rebekah-- or Eva, or whoever the bloody hell that was-- use these to stop her from doing magic. And don't hurt her. The non-psychopathic bits are still my sister." said Klaus

"Alright, I won't be the only one looking for her. She killed witch-kids. The twenty-four-hour hold that Elijah got the covens to agree to? Ended at midnight. Every witch in the city is gonna be gunning for her." says a worried Marcel.

Klaus sighs and turns to Hayley, "Go to Elijah. Get her to charm his elderly witch into calling off the hunt."

"And leave Hope? Don't you think I should stay here and protect our daughter?" questions an annoyed Hayley

"Jackson has been working night and day to secure this compound, surrounding it with his werewolf army. Not to mention the fact that I'm here, and I know the best way to protect our child is to get Rebekah out of that serial killer's body and back into the original model," explains Klaus

"Hmm. And, what will you be doing while we're out doing all the dirty work?" asks a displeased Hayley

"Why, tending to the even dirtier work, as usual," replies Klaus

Hayley leaves, and Marcel goes to say something when a voice interrupts them.

"You should increase the security around the compound." Said Akane who all of a sudden appeared among them, "One invisibility spell and two people entered the compound, right under your wolf army's nose"

An unknown man stood behind Akane, who was glaring at Marcel, if looks could kill Marcel would have been six feet under.

"I am so dead" Marcel murmured which only vampire or wolf hearing can pick up.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐒𝐢𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧- 𝐊𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧 [𝐓𝐎]Where stories live. Discover now