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Vampires make thirty percent of earth's population, they used to be more but some things happened and by some things I mean war. It didn't go well for them since they need human blood, our blood, to thrive.

Many lives were lost but that was ages ago. Now we coexist with each other, peace treaties were made and most importantly the blood law was made.

It stated mandatory blood donations from humans and a no violence agreement from vampires. I don't think I need to say it, but not everyone was happy with this arrangement, especially humans. Nonetheless we have kept the peace for over a hundred years. Which is why today, I, Parrish Miller, am receiving this nonsense request from a scrawny looking vampire, right after donating a pint of my own blood.

"Would you consider being my blood bank, please?" He asked, almost yelling, like he was proposing marriage or something.

Everyone in the hospital cafeteria turned their heads to us. Private blood banks contracts weren't uncommon, apparently vampires were too proud to just follow human orders after they lost the war. But that wasn't the case for the guy in front of me, he looked fragile.

"Excuse me?" I looked up from my phone and blinked at him. He took me by surprise, no matter how common it was, his pale skin and slightly crimson eyes were a real sight.

"This is you, right? Donor 575." He takes a pint of blood out of his backpack. "I know it's you, it's your smell." He's frantic but slow in his movements like he was having a rush of adrenaline but was also about to pass out.

"Huh, yeah, I guess that's me." He took a step forward, I took one back.

"I knew it!" He beamed at me, leaning on the table. "I won't ask for much and I can pay you." Of course he could pay me, a vampire asking for a blood bank contract only meant that he or she had money, a lot of it.

"One caramel frappuccino for Parrish!"

"That's me." I raised my hand and tried walking to the counter but the kid got in my way.

"Please! At least just hear me out, I'll make you a good offer" He took another step towards me and grabbed the sleeve of my hoodie.

I sighed, this was a pain in the ass. I have no interest in being someone's personal lunch and I don't care that it meant more money. It was just more paperwork.

"Listen, kid-"

"Lewis." This dude is rude, I thought vampires were the definition of grace and virtue

"Lewis, I'm not interested, please let go." I said calmly while I gently pushed him aside.

I got up to the counter and grabbed my unhealthy sweet coffee.

"Hey, man, you want me to call security?" The girl asked in a low voice as she handed me the coffee. I glanced at her tag name, it said 'hi! My name is Katy'

"Thank you, Katy, but I'll be fine." I gave her a smile and she smiled back.

I grabbed my coffee and walked out, the kid started following me.

"You could at least hear me out!" He's persistent, I'll give him that.

"Kid, I'm busy and I already said I'm not interested."

"My name is Lewis and I'm not a kid, I'm twenty seven, please, just listen to me for one minute." I stopped, not because I was going to listen but because he said how old he was.

"You're twenty seven? You don't look older than twenty." I gave him a better look. He was barely five foot four, his blond hair fell onto his face making it look as smooth as a baby's butt. I guess it is just a perk of being a vampire,

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