Crash and Burn

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I would once again like to let you know that this chapter contains graphic descriptions of abuse, toture and blood.


My eyes widened when I saw him get up lifting the bat. I covered my head but the hit went straight to my abdomen. I doubled and watched what little I had for breakfast fall straight to the floor.

He hit me with the bat tree more times. One where the first hit landed and two more on my back after I crawled to a ball on the floor. I was wheezing and gasping for air when he grabbed me by the shirt.

"Sit straight." He dragged me to a sitting position in front of the folding table. Then he hit me again. I fell to the side.

It was hard to breathe, I'm sure he cracked one of my ribs somehow.

"Wait- I can't-" I coughed out some blood and wheezed. "Breathe- My, my-" My lungs were burning, the pain on my chest was unbearable.

I couldn't tell whether I was having a panic attack or if my ribs were stabbing my lungs. I could, however, tell that the stitches on my forearm had just come undone. Just when they were starting to heal, at least it wasn't bleeding much.

"Easy, easy, I didn't hit you that hard." Leroy put the bat down and leaned next to me.

He grabbed my hair and tilted my head back while I was still trying to get some air inside my lungs. "Damn! You look even hotter like this."

Leroy let go of me, turning to the folding table to grab a set of pliers. He kneeled in front of me again and stepped on my hand.

"Have you ever lost a nail? Well, I have and it hurts like a mother fucker. Here, let me show you." He bent down, holding my hand steady with his foot.

I'm sure that by that point I was beyond panicked. He separated my index finger from the rest, closing the pliers at the tip of my nail.

"Try not to bite your tongue." He said before ripping my whole nail from my finger, in one swift moment.

I screamed and kicked. I grabbed my onto his jeans with my other hand, trying to get him off, but it didn't work. He went for the middle finger next.

"Wait, wait, no, please don't-" I pleaded, which only seemed to fuel his amusement.

"You look so cute begging."

He ripped the nail slower this time, or maybe I felt it go slower.

My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing. I saw Lewis' feet moving, Leroy's smile as he leaned over me and a glimpse of Darius' head coming through the wall. I felt it all happening in slow motion.

"Get up, come on. I want to take a tooth out now." He lifted his feet from my hand and grabbed my shirt to get me to sit up.

"No..." I shook my head when he tried to pry open my mouth with his fingers.

He managed to stick his thumb inside, I wasn't at my greatest, definitely not strong enough to fend this guy off.

"Say ahh..." He set the pliers over my second molar. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to come, but it never did.

Instead drops of some liquid splattered on my face and all contact from Leroy was removed. I opened my eyes to see him lying on the floor, groaning and holding his head.

Over him was Lewis holding a bloodied meat tenderizer. The handcuff was dangling from his wrist.

"He dislocated his thumb." Darius explained the obvious like I didn't have eyes. He was standing behind Lewis.

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