Date Night

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I took Lewis to The 3rd Street after we ate. I had to put up with Jona knowing and judgemental looks but I knew Lewis would love the place and it was quiet enough that we could actually talk.

"Tonight it's band night." I said, pointed at the guys talking to Jona on the small platform in the corner of the bar.


"Jona gets an indie band here once a week." I explained, leaning away from the counter to give him a better view.

"Ah, I see... Do you know what they're going to sing?"

"Not really. Sometimes they do covers and sometimes they sing their own stuff." Lewis nodded in acknowledgement but didn't comment more.

Needless to say, the conversation was not going well. I didn't know what to say to him and all of a sudden Lewis seemed to be on another plane of existence for some reason.

"The volleyball shorts. Did you play volleyball in college?" I made another attempt at conversation.

"Yeah, that's how I kept out of trouble during those years. Every Time someone asked me to go to a party I said I had practice." He shrugged and took a sip of the drink he had in hand.

"That sounds like you had a blast during college." I snorted, earning a slight push from him.

"Don't laugh, you idiot. I was scared of doing something stupid again, so I kept to myself most of the time." He got lost in thought again and I was about to suggest ending the night and going home when he turned to me. "Can I ask you something personal?"

"Only if I get to ask you something personal too."

"Why did you take me in? You really didn't have to and when Maggie told me that things didn't end well with your last partner. I was certain that you would flip me off."

"I mean, almost did but you looked pretty... pretty convincing." I face palmed mentally.

"Are you saying you took me in because of my pretty face?" He questioned, visually amused by my inability to put thoughts into words.

"Mainly, yes." I chuckled, deciding to roll with it.

"Come on." He pushed, getting up in my face.

"Okay, if you absolutely have to know. You really looked like you needed help. I can't just walk away when people need help." I glanced back at the stage noticing the delay with the band. They were now making phone calls and Jona seemed to be arguing with one of them.

"I didn't look that helpless." He frowned.

"Honey, you were ten pounds below your weight and you're still underweight. You might wanna add some carbs to the menu."

"How do you know that?" He asked, getting suspicious.

"I might have... gone through your medical records." I winced at the words leaving my mouth. Saying it aloud made me realize how intrusive it was. "I just wanted to know what I was getting into."

"Right..." He squinted his eyes at me but didn't seem to care much. "I should get another free personal question for that." He said, giving a toothy smile.

"I'll allow it."

"What happened to your last roommate? Maggie didn't go into details." He asked, suddenly invested in my personal life. I almost choked on the beer I was drinking.

"Well, as you may already know we were dating." I ran my fingers through my hair and looked away.

"Uhu, go on." Lewis scooted closer.

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