Code Silver

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I glanced around the waiting room. There was no sign of my pretty blond roommate. Instead, all I got was a pestering Kirin running up my face.

"Fucking finally! Do you always take your sweet time to show up when people call you?" Kirin said, in a highly disrespectful tone that I chose to ignore due the fact that Josh liked this idiot.

"I do, when no one's dying. In fact, I don't come at all unless someone's actually dying, and you seem pretty fine so I'm gonna leave now." I began to turn.

"Wait, no! I'm sorry. I need your help, please." He pleaded, grabbing my forearm. I looked at his hand on me and back at him and while this usually gets people to back off I should've known, it wouldn't work on this guy who didn't seem to care about anything else but his friend. "They won't let me see Josh and they won't tell me why either. I need to- I want to see him, please."

I breathed in slowly and waited for him to take his hands off me to talk again.

"It's protocol. He can't have any visitors until we're sure he's out of danger."

"I'm not a danger!" He yelled, causing everyone to turn their heads to us. I noticed an officer moving his hand towards his gun out of the corner of my eye.

"I know you're not a danger. I've seen how much you care about him but the police don't know that. That's why we have rules." I said softly and he lowered his head like a kicked puppy.

"He's not even answering my texts... I just want to see him. Help me, please?" He was begging. By now the only thing he had left to do was get on his knees, and he looked like he was two seconds away from doing so.

"Fuck..." I muttered under my breath, already regretting what I was about to do. "Okay, I'll help you but you have to do exactly what I tell you."

"Yeah, sure. I'll do anything." I sighed at his enthusiasm to do something that could potentially get me fired but I already agreed to help.

"Amy, would you be a dear and hand me a visitor sticker?"

"What? uh, sure, yes..." She stuttered and scrambled with the papers on the desk for a few seconds before emerging with the sticker. And a very flustered face.

"Thank you, dear." I grabbed the sticker hearing her mumble a 'you're welcome'. "Do not take this off." I slapped the sticker on his chest and he didn't flinch. I walked towards the entrance of the ED and we almost made it through the doorway.

"What's in the bag?" The officer stationed by the door asked, narrowing his eyes at Kirin and his heavy looking gym bag. I saw it on Kirin's face that he was going to say something stupid so I nogged his side softly.

"My friend's clothes. He was supposed to get discharged today but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon."

"Mind opening it?" The officer phrased it as a request but we all knew it was an order. To my surprise Kirin complied and opened the bag, showing some nicely folded pieces of clothing. "Okay, you can go." The officer nodded seemingly satisfied.

"Well, you handled that better than expected." I said, once we were at a safe distance from the armed man.

"I may have a condition but I'm not stupid."

"Good to know..."

Leroy joined us on the walk after he spotted us going past the cop.

"Miller? Where are you taking this guy? We're not supposed to take in visitors." He asked.

"I'm doing him a favor." I said and then I smiled. "Don't worry, he's harmless."

"Okay, but how exactly are you getting him upstairs? The elevators are the other way." He pointed out, confused. I kept walking, noticing how Kirin trailed behind quietly, like a trained dog.

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