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They put me on psych hold for 72 hours because I was a minor, that had, on a wave of stupidity, attempted suicide. Gwen kept me company when dad was working, that brought me down to memory lane.

She brought a different game every time to play with me since I couldn't leave the room. I won every round of UNO we played, she insisted that I cheated each time but I didn't. She was just really bad at it, she was also a lot more gentle with people in general.

I watched Mrs Priscott hold his son's hand like a ghost for a few more minutes until I decided I was being creepy. I was about to leave for the ER when I saw Caleb and his sister filling discharge papers. She looked as alive as a sunflower in summer, moving around and tugging on Caleb's sleeve. Sophia didn't find it amusing that she was also touching everything on the counter. I walked up to them.

"Hey, Caleb." I smiled, catching his attention.

"Hey, Parrish." He smiled back.

His sister grabbed his arm and glared at me in a predatory way from behind him. Teenagers, they scare the living shit out of me, I don't think she approves of me as a decent boyfriend to her brother.

"I'm glad to see Hera is feeling better." I said taking on the glares of a fifteen year old like it was an everyday thing.

"Thanks." Caleb smiled, it was a big contrast from his sister sticking her tongue out to me, they were like June and Hilal, different as day and night. "Hera! Stop it." He reprimanded her when he realized what she was doing. "He's one of the nurses that helped you get better, be nice." Hera didn't give a shit and it showed.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I kinda did but whatever. "I wanted to ask you something about you both."

"What do you need to know?" He asked, grabbing Hera to finally stop her radical movements.

"Are you two mixed?" I lay it out without thinking twice. Caleb's forehead got covered by wrinkles before answering.

"We are actually." He said. "Both of our grandmothers are human, our parents are vampires though." He was about to say something else but Hera interrupted.

"That's none of your business."

"Hera!" He hit her in the head and I had to summon all my might to not laugh when I heard the loud noise the blow made. "I'm sorry about her, she's going through an annoying phase." He said from his teeth grabbing Hera by the neck.

It wasn't much but at least now I knew that half vampires were going to be okay eventually, the human DNA in them was probably strong enough to fight the ajoene with a little medicine. The real problem were the pure blood, we have no idea if Milo will be able to recover from this, his asthma wasn't helping the cause either.

"It's fine." I said waving my hands in front of my chest. "Thank you for answering my question, see you around." I placed my hand on his shoulder risking my life with Hera watching. "You can call me anytime, Caleb, I mean it."

After that I left before Hera had a chance to jump me. Down in the ER I saw my favorite blond speaking with the nurse at the counter. He was sweating and his hair was a mess, even with how far away I was, I noticed that his breath was shallow. He was masking his nervousness well enough but I still noticed.

"Sorry, I just want to see Parrish Miller, I'm his roommate, I need-" Josh cut him off before he could say anything else.

"Well, you're in luck, you have him right here." Josh said pointing at me.

"Lewie, why are you here, everything okay?" I got closer to him and I saw his face go from terror to relief the moment we made eye contact.

"Yeah. Yes, I-" He cleared his throat before continuing. "I thought we could go home together." He said, holding onto my sleeve.

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