Over Time

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Maggie hit him on the arm with one of the magazines on the counter, and kept on smacking him. At that moment everyone around us scattered, no one wanted to get caught in the crossfire, even June, who was at the counter, left because she knew she wasn't safe either.

"You." Smack. "Don't." Smack. "Leave." Smack "the." Smack. "ER." Smack.

I knew better than to laugh when Maggie was going at it with someone, so I just stood there quietly trying to disappear until she turned to me and I felt the real terror.

"And you!" She said pointing at me. "Who do you think is your boss, him or me?" She raised her eyebrows at me, threatening with the same magazine she used to beat Bianco.

"You, ma'am." I didn't really know if she wanted me to answer or not but I did anyway.

"Exactly!" She shouted. "Next time you pull a stunt like this, I will write you both up for insubordination! Is that clear?"


"Yes, ma'am."

Bianco and I looked at each other after we gave our answers and something in his eyes told me this wasn't going to be the last time this happened. Maybe I should start looking for another hospital to work at because Bianco was definitely going to get me fired. After that yelling marathon of Maggie she calmed down and went through the patients' files, she held one up for me.

"That chemical burn is still waiting for you." I grabbed it but she didn't let go, so I looked up at her and she was giving a dead stare. "And stop flirting with that patient, his friend was about to file a complaint." She finally let go and I ran away in the manliest way possible.

Maggie was a kind and patient woman which is why when she got mad at you, you knew you really screwed up. I made my way to annoy my favorite not-couple of the day and after I opened the door the first thing I saw was Josh doubled down in a trash can throwing up and the blond, whose name I forgot, caressing his back next to him in a manner that was more than friendly. His eyes shot up to me when I stepped in and they went from worried to pissed in a split second but he didn't say anything.

"Come on, buddy, let's fix you up." I was next to them in two strides and grabbed Josh by his forearm to support him while he got up.

" 'Bout time you decided to show up." The blond let out that snarky remark as if I wanted to be horrible at my job on purpose.

"Kirin, be nice." Josh reprimanded him once we got him sitting in the bed again. God bless this poor kid.

"No, it's fine." I said, opening a cabinet to get another vomit bag and then made sure to hold Josh's hands, right under Kirin's gaze, while giving him the bag. "I'm really sorry for the wait but I'm gonna get you out of here in no time, darling." I brushed his hand with my thumb and watched him flutter.

If that asshole didn't somehow see all the people bleeding out earlier and understood that the situation was beyond me he might as well drown in his own feelings of jealousy and denial. I probably shouldn't be so petty because I was only getting closer to sensitivity training and an HR complaint. I took a step back when Kirin took one closer and checked Josh's file again.

"Let's take you up for that bronchoscopy, you think you can walk by yourself?" I asked, looking up from the file.

"Yeah..." He got up or made an attempt to get up because he almost fell face first into the floor and he would have if it wasn't for Kirin holding onto him like he was his life line.

"I'm just gonna get a wheelchair."

I rolled Josh past the counter and into the elevator with Kirin following behind like a wolf stalking a prey. I really had to stop messing with him before he went for my neck. I had to ignore the imminent threat next to me in the elevator and all the way into the procedure room. I was getting way too used to being in danger lately and I did not like that. The doctor was already in the room with the anesthesiologist when I opened the door.

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