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He walked past me and went straight to Josh, placing a hand on his neck and pulling him away from Seth. A bit of color returned to Josh's face and he seemed to visually relax with this new dude appearance.

"What happened? Cecil told me you had an accident in the lab, are you okay?" He asked cupping Josh's face with both of his hands and waited for him to nod before turning to Seth. "And why the fuck are you here?" He sounded and looked like he was going to take everyone's lunch money, it was kinda funny to watch him gently cradle another boy in his arms.

"Relax, momma bear." Seth said, stepping away from them. "He's fine, you know how clumsy Josh can be. The little clutz just spilled something on his arm." He explained looking at his watch. "He was crying like a bitch about it so I brought him here but he's fine, aren't you, Josh?" Josh nodded, not looking at anyone. "See? We were getting ready to leave."

They stared at each other like two predators fighting for the same prey and I swear I heard a growling at some point. As much as I was enjoying this soap opera, this kid needed help and I saw the opportunity to do my job right there, in the worry in the eyes of this blond, so I stepped in.

"I was hoping he'd stay for a check up, I didn't even get a chance to give him something for the pain." I said, taking a few steps forward to be seen.

"What? You weren't about to leave without getting this shit checked, were you?" The blond pulled away from Josh to stare him in the eye, Josh tried to avoid it, he opened his mouth to say something but the words never reached our ears.

"Kirin, we don't have time for your gay bullshit, we're on schedule here and-" Seth started but got cut off by a very angry Kirin grabbing him by the collar.

"I don't give a fuck about your schedule, you're not even supposed to be near him and you know that."

"Get off of me, you twat." Seth pushed him back and they had another alpha male face off. "I wasn't with him because I wanted to, we got assigned a group project, if you have any complaints, go dump them on professor Maverick." He said, straightening his clothes.

I decided I had enough of both of them. I was going to call security but a gagging sound coming from Josh stopped me.

"Hey, buddy, you okay?" I asked him, getting a vomit bag from the cabinet and stepping closer to him.

I saw all the color in Josh's face disappear once more only to be replaced by a dusty gray, he placed a hand on his mouth and I noticed the blue on the tips of his fingers. He grabbed the bag and emptied his stomach in it.

"That is disgusting, I'm leaving." He pushed the jacket into Kirin's chest. "Josh, buddy get well soon or I'll do it by myself, got it?" What he said was a threat and everyone in the room knew it but no one said a word about it. At least now that he wasn't here I could help this kid.

I waited for him to finish throwing up and took his vitals.

"Is he going to be okay?" The blond asked, stepping closer and clutching the jacket in his hands. Josh's heartbeat spiked up when he leaned down to see what I was doing.

"I need to know what chemicals he was working with." I said and pulled his sleeves back up to better examine the burn. A large section of his forearm was affected as well as the side of his hand, it looked like the chemical fell on his arm and dripped all the way down. "Did you flush it with water?" I asked, noticing again the bluish discoloration around the burn.

"We're working on a fertilizer and... yes I did flush water on it for about ten minutes." He was short of breath, he had been since I stepped into the room, I thought it was the asthma but I wasn't so sure anymore. I grabbed a catheter to start an IV.

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