Reiwa Gamera's Bio(his kaiju included)

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Little note here. I can't add pictures on this device onto Wattpad, so just imagine it. Im probably going to sign on another device so I can add pictures to the chapters.

Gamera: He has a 2015 design. He's kind of the Gamera that never was.

Size: he is about 70 meters tall, and weighs about 5000-6000 tons.

Appearance: He has dark brown skin, and a muddy green shell. His face looks like a mix of Heisei and Rebirth Gamera's, and his shell looks like Rebirths. He has similar arms to heisei(minus the elbow spike), and his eyes are a fiery orange.

Personality: He is ferocious, but can be kind and gentle. He is a little violent, and has destroyed human cities to protect the planet for the greater good. He doesn't like humans that much because they attack him.


Amphibionosis: He can live in water and on land.

Super Strength: He has heightened strength compared to other Atlantean kaiju, capable of lifting multiple times his own weight.

Armored hide and Shell: His skin is covered in plate like scales, which can withstand high heat and firepower. It can also withstand blade like weapons, though enough attacks will break through his skin. No weapon on Earth has enough power to kill him. He also has his shell, which is nearly impenetrable. Only non-Earth born kaiju can break his armor.

Jet flight: He can fly using jet propulsion, retracting his back legs to fly with his arms out(and can change his arms to fins for better mobility). He can also retract all his limbs to become a spinning disk. He can fly at Mach 4.

Shell Saw: He can turn into a disk to fly or to cut through kaiju as an attack.

Fire Absorption and Manipulation: He can absorb fire to quickly heal wounds and charge up, and also control flames to make his attacks

Fire Blast: shoots a fire blast that can reach 10,000+ degrees Celsius.

Plasma Balls: Concentrated plasma blast that is highly explosive and can reach 1,000,000 degrees Celsius

Banishing Fist: Directs his Plasma energy to his fist, causing it to glow a bright fiery orange(along with his belly glowing). This attack is twice as strong as his Plasma, and can reach 5,000,000 degrees Celsius. This attack is known to one shot kaiju.

Fire pulse: He expels all his fire energy from his body as a powerful explosion, similar to a volcano, and reaching 10,000,000 degrees Celsius. This drains his energy, but he doesn't die from doing this(unlike Rebirth or Toto.

Supercharged Mode: If he absorbs too much energy, his body will glow and he will have his power increased 10x over. He has only needed this last resort 2 times, both he nearly burned up the planet from his heat, which was about 500,000,000 degrees Celsius.

Gyaos(obviously): Same as Gamera, he is the 2015 concept.

Size: 30 meters at full growth for normal Gyaos. There could be a Super Gyaos though that grows to 60 meters. Their weights range from 900-2000 tons.

Appearance: They have leathery skin that is colored a faded brown, their body's thin and with their bones sticking out. Their jaws are constantly falling open and their tongues loll all over the place. They have large eyes and have horns which hide ears that catch high frequency sound waves. Their wings look like they are barely there, thin and stretched. 

Personality: are mindless killing machines, that have a hatred for Gamera.


Flight: They can fly at Mach 3.

The GameraVerseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora