Chapter 12: Gamera's Meet, and -1's plan

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This is a mostly talking chapter, and will be shorter than others. Hope it's alright!

The Gamera's woke up in a strange white place, feeling rested from the battle in the Reiwa Universe.

Reiwa rose first, looking around at the other Gamera's. They were staring at each other in awe. He realized he was the only one who had seen all of these Gamera's. He decided to watch them interact...

Showa Gamera looked Rebirth up and down. "So... you're my latest successor? It looks like you're a remake of me." Rebirth tilted his head. "I guess, most of the monsters from your universe are in mine, so maybe." Showa put a hand on his shoulder. "You're pretty cool kid. I mean, you can turn into a jet ball! Wish I could do that." They both snickered.

Heisei looked down at Toto, who was a whole 50 meters shorter. "Hey, uh, dad! Is that what I call you? I mean, I came after you. I wish I was as big and strong as you." Heisei got on one knee and looked Toto in the eye. "What do you mean? You did great back there, kid. You're a good successor to your older brother here." "REALLY!?" "Definitely..." Toto hugged Heisei, and Heisei hugged him.

They then turned to each other. They had a respect in their eyes for the other Gamera's. Reiwa then came forward. "As much as you would like to get to know your counterparts, we need to figure out where we are. And who brought us here." They all looked to each other.

As they did, someone said, "I brought you here you idiots." They turned to see a lizard with large dorsal plates and a sinister grin. Next to him was Mecha Gamera. The Gamera's all growled, and Godzilla Minus One laughed.

"Who are you?!" Godzilla -1 turned to Reiwa Gamera. "Can't you tell? Im a Godzilla. Minus One, to be specific." The Gamera's looked to each other. "A Godzilla?" "Yes, you're not the only kaiju with a multiverse. I am the latest addition to the GodzillaVerse." Heisei raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you here?"

Godzilla -1 sneered. "I am evil. I wanted to rule my own multiverse, but I was no match for my fellow Godzilla's. Then I found out about your world. Turns out Im much stronger here, and it was easy to get Mecha Gamera to help me assemble your kaiju. But you..." He pointed to Reiwa Gamera, "Foiled my plan. Fortunately, I've got a backup plan."

Rebirth roared at Godzilla -1, and charged at him. -1 's back began to glow a blue color, and he fired a beam. The blast knocked all the Gamera's to their backs, and -1 laughed. "You Gamera's are pathetic. Place the Mind Controllers, Mecha." MG stepped forward, and a canon came out of his arm. He fired at each Gamera, implanting a small device on their heads.

Godzilla -1 said, "Who do you serve." All the Gamera's knelt to -1. "To you, master." -1 laughed. He turned to MG. "Prepare the arena. It's time to see which Gamera is the strongest."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't guessed, this sets up a Gamera battle Royale. Im saving the Gamera Royale for 200 reads mark. How will they get free of -1? Stick around to find out!

Hope You Enjoy!😊 

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