Chapter 3: Battle against the Showa Era

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Both Gamera's charged, and so did the Showa monsters. 

Gamera grabbed Jiger, picking her up and tossing her. She used her jets to land safely, and growled at him. From behind Viras crashed into him, making him stumble. He reached behind his head, grabbing Viras, and threw him over his head. He roared at him, and was hit by Gyaos's Scalpel.

Gyaos came soaring in, roaring at him. He was about to crash into him, when Showa came in spinning shell mode to knock Gyaos away. Gamera noticed Jiger activating jets, and flying at him. He turned, catching her, and threw her to the ground. 

Guiron came then, launching himself at Gamera. He smacked into him with his blade, making him stumble, but drawing no blood. Showa saw this, and blasted Guiron with fire. Guiron jumped back, and activated his throwing stars. Showa blocked them with his hands, but was then hit by a beam.

Zigra launched out of the water, crashing against Showa. Showa fell to the ground, and Zigra laughed. Right before he was hit by a fire blast, and was promptly turned into fried seafood. Gamera roared, but was then shot by multiple needles from Jiger.

Jiger had launched her horns, piercing his side. Gamera charged a plasma shot, and was about to fire. But Guiron hit him again, and he missed the blast. Guiron slammed his head down onto Gamera's shell, making him roar in pain. Showa had his own problems, as Gyaos was spamming Scalpels at him while Viras held him still.

Gamera was now properly pissed, and grabbed Guiron's head. He slammed him into a mountain, making him stuck. He struggled to free himself, but couldn't. Gamera then fired his plasma blast. Guiron exploded, reduced to a head in the mountain. Gamera then turned his attention to Jiger.

Jiger was terrified at seeing her ally get disintegrated, and tried to flee. But Gamera caught her, and slammed her on the ground. She tried one last attack, blasting him with her heat ray. He just absorbed the power from it, and smirked at her. He then let loose another plasma ball, severely weakening Jiger. He then reached into her mouth, and broke her jaw.

While Gamera finished off Jiger, Showa had come up with a plan. He twisted his body, making Viras move his tentacles. Just as Gyaos fired another beam. His beam hit Viras's tentacle, severing it. Viras let go of Showa, clutching his wounded his stump. Showa then fired up his jets and launched himself at Gyaos. 

He crashed into Gyaos, sending them both tumbling across the ground. Showa pulled back his arm and slashed Gyaos's face. Gyaos roared and used his wing to slam Showa away. Showa got up immediately and blasted Gyaos with fire. Gyaos screeched in pain, using his gas to defuse the flames. But Showa closed in on him, and broke his neck.

Viras was recovered now, and he launched himself at Showa. Showa turned, seeing Viras's head blade hurdling towards him. Then a fire ball came whistling in at Viras, and he was launched hundreds of feet away. Viras died from the burn wounds.

Showa turned to his counterpart, who was walking over to him. He saw the remains of the other kaiju behind him. "Hey, we did it! We saved Earth, and by extension, my universe!" "Heh, I guess we did." They stood silent for a few seconds. "So, how do I go to the other universes?" "Well... how did you do it the first time." "I just felt a pull..."

Then Reiwa felt it again, that pull like he was being sucked towards something. He looked down, and saw his body was what was glowing. Showa Gamera backed away, and waved. "Good luck, me. Hopefully you can save the GameraVerse." And before he disappeared, he said, "I hope I can."

Then everything went black.

"Hmm, those idiots. All of them together, and they couldn't even fight 2 Gamera's. No matter. They will serve my greater purpose..."

The kaiju speaking looked out from the shadows, towards the Heisei kaiju.

"When I control the GameraVerse." The boss said with glee, cackling at his evilness.

Again, the edited version. This one didn't change much, just a little editing at the end. And by now there may be some who know who the main villain is(but I wont spoil it if you're a new reader to this).

Hope you Enjoy!😊 

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