Chapter 7: Child Gamera

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Reiwa Gamera appeared in the new universe in an orange glow.

He immediately realized there was a Gyaos nest just a couple miles away. The Gyaos turned when they saw the glow from his entrance. Upon seeing him, they jumped and gaped at him. 

"Woah, he's a big feller!" "Should we fight him?" "Obviously, it's a Gamera." "I don't know. He looks a lot meaner and bigger than the runt we fight..." "Then we all charge him!" 

The three Gyaos rose up from their nest and flew at him, screeching. Reiwa laughed at their stupidity. "Gyaos, they never change, do they?" 

He quickly grabbed the first one out of the sky, breaking its wings and blasting it to ash with a fire blast. He then caught the next one, breaking its neck. 

The last one fired a scalpel at him, and tried clawing him with its talons. He simply grabbed its legs, and fired a plasma blast. He then disintegrated the other one. The battle had lasted less than ten seconds.

He rolled his shoulders, and chuckled to himself. New record for fastest Gyaos kill. I wonder who the next me is? He switched to flight mode and went looking for them.

He found his other self on an island, beating up a Gyaos. He noticed this version of him looked young, with big eyes, and was about 30 meters tall. He watched as the other him ended the Gyaos with a plasma ball.

He descended on the little Gamera, and landed. The other him turned around at the noise of his descent. When he saw him, his eyes widened in excitement. He grinned.

"Wow, there are more of me! Although you look a little weird, and you're very tall... but that's fine! Now you can teach me how to be a real Gamera!" Reiwa tilted his head.

"A Gamera? Isn't that your name, kid?" "Well, no. My name is Toto, and Im part of the Gamera species. We protect the planet from bad monsters. How do you not know this?"

Reiwa rubbed his head. "Well, this might shock you, but Im actually you from another universe. You're a little strange, but you more or less are me." Toto's eyes widened more.

"Woah! You mean, there is different me's in alternate realities? What are they like?" Reiwa chuckled. Toto reminded him of human children, with his enthusiasm. 

"It's actually a bad thing Im here, kid. There is some evil out there, making other Gamera's fight all their enemies. I had to help two other me's already, and you're the next one." ", where are they?"

"Right here, toes. Not even your big friend will save you." They turned at the sound of the voice. There, standing with a smirk on his face, and a Gyaos horde behind him, was Zedus.

Toto growled at Zedus. "I thought I killed you..." "Boss had me ressurected, and all the other baddies in the other universes. And Im going to get some revenge." He bared his teeth and lashed his tail.

Toto looked up at Reiwa Gamera. "I'll take the lizard. I need you to keep the Gyaos away." Reiwa nodded. With that, they charged them...

(Meanwhile, in Rebirth era)

Rebirth Gamera was on his knees. He was injured, but he knew he couldn't give up. The world depended on him.

He roared, but was hit with Zigra's liquid shot. He grabbed him, throwing him to the ground. Then the Gyaos shot his scalpel at his hand.

He stumbled back, in pain, clutching his hand. He felt a searing pain suddenly in his side, making him feel frozen in place. It was Jiger's tail barb.

Zigra took that as a chance to ram him. As he fell to the ground again, the three kaiju laughed. "Won't you give up? No one can help you," Zigra taunted.

Then a few jets fired their missiles at him, making him back away. Gamera growled. "As long as I breathe, you wont destroy the humans."

Gyaos growled. "Then lets make you not breathe..."

To be continued

I was going to make this one part, but I wanted to make a slightly shorter chapter. This is going to be a split chapter where Reiwa and Toto fight in the heisei era, while Rebirth tries to survive in his. Hopefully you guys like this idea.

Hope you Enjoy!😊 

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