Chapter 8: Surviving and Growing

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(Rebirth's Universe)

Rebirth Gamera roared at the three evil kaiju, and charged them. Gyaos took off, Jiger charged him, and Zigra dove into the nearby Bay Area.

Gamera grabbed Jiger's horns, tossing him to the ground. He saw her trying to lift her stinger and stab him with it, and grabbed it. He lifted her up, and threw her across the city.

Zigra suddenly rose out of the water, blasting him with liquid shot. Gamera roared, and tried to hit Zigra with a fire ball. But Gyaos struck him in his shoulder with her talons, throwing off his aim.

As he looked up to take care of Gyaos, missiles struck her back. She screeched in annoyance, turning her head to the jets. Gamera took the opening, grabbing her and tossing her to the ground.

Zigra rose out of the water then, ramming his body into Gamera's. Gamera fell on his back, roaring at Zigra. He slashed his chest with his claws, making Zigra jump back.

Gamera got to his feet, growling. As he did, he heard something running behind him. He moved to the left, and Jiger barreled past him. He fired a fire ball at her side, sending her to the ground and burning her hide badly.

As he did, Gyaos flew at him again. This time he caught her, throwing her to the ground. He stomped on her chest, and started to crush her rib cage. Gyaos coughed up blood.

Just before he killed her, Zigra blasted him on his shell. He turned around, a fireball in his throat. He fired, and Zigra's eyes widened. "Not again..." The fireball hit him, setting him on fire and burning him to a crisp.

When he turned to Gyaos, she was struggling to rise. He activated his scorching hand, and grabbed her chest. She screamed as his hand burned through her, and then she went limp.

Jiger had gotten up by now, and saw her two allies states. She shook her head, "Screw this!" And tried to run. But she widened her eyes when a charged fireball was waiting for her. Her death was "hot," so to speak.

As Gamera landed on the ground, he began feeling woozy. He had taken a lot of damage in the fight, and would need some time to rest. So, as the humans celebrated their victory, Gamera returned to the ocean to rest.

(Meanwhile, in the Heisei Universe)

Toto charged Zedus, roaring. Zedus flicked his tail, and the Gyaos swarm descended to kill Toto. However, they were met by Reiwa Gamera instead.

They all panicked at the sight of him, and Reiwa took advantage to swipe his way through the horde. As he destroyed the swarm, Toto turned to Zedus.

"Your fight is with me, Zedus." "Of course it is. That's why you wont kill me a second time." The two, fueled by hate, charged each other.

Toto had learned some new tricks, and he thought now was a great time to use them. He bent down on all fours, and when Zedus was above him, He lifted himself up as hard as he could. He heard something crunch in Zedus's jaw.

He pulled his hand back, and struck Zedus in the chest. Zedus stumbled back slightly, but he began laughing. He fired his spear tongue, striking Toto in the shoulder. Toto screamed in pain.

Zedus quickly closed the gap between them, tail whipping him in the face. Toto fell to the ground, shaking from pain.

Zedus hissed at him, smiling with glee. He moved forward to end his rival. Of course, he forgot Gamera's can fly.

Toto activated his jets, and spun backward into Zedus. Zedus went to the ground easily, and Toto landed a few hundred feet behind him.

Toto charged a plasma blast, firing it as Zedus got up. Zedus looked up, and jumped out of the plasma blast's way. He growled, "You're not getting me the same way twice."

Zedus charged Toto, leaping over him and landing behind him. He whipped Toto's legs from under him, and launched his tongue. Toto saw it this time, though, catching it in his hand.

He blasted it with fire, and Zedus roared as it was burned off. Toto stepped forward then, and punched Zedus in the gut. Zedus keeled over, winded.

Toto charged his plasma blast at the weakened Zedus, and fired. Zedus was promptly disintegrated to a pile of dust.

Toto turned around to help his other self, but was greeted with a dead horde of Gyaos. Reiwa Gamera stood there with his arms crossed, grinning. "Not bad, kid. Lizard didn't stand a chance." Toto puffed up with pride. "You did good too. We totally kicked their buts!"

He lifted his hand for a high five, which confused Reiwa Gamera. "What is that?" "Uh... a high five? It's a human thing." Reiwa shook his head, muttering, "You other Gamera's and learning human gestures..." But he high fives Toto anyway.

"Well, I have to go now." "Oh, you've got to help another Gamera?" "I think so, kid. It was nice meeting you." Reiwa Gamera stepped away, and began to glow orange again. Toto waved. "Say hi to whoever you meet next for me!"

And then Reiwa disappeared in a fiery orange light.

Mecha-Gamera shook his head at the recent events that had been happening. Reiwa Gamera had been ruining their plans. He heard a growl behind him. His master, no doubt. "Did the Rebirth kaiju succeed?" "No, master. They have failed, and Reiwa Gamera is traveling to his universe. No doubt they will triumph."

There was silence for a little while. Then the master said, "Then let's make sure that when Reiwa gets back to his universe, he has a surprise waiting for him."


I hope that the Toto saga was good, and the bit of Rebirth stuff. Obviously Rebirth is next.

I wont reveal the main villain until the end of the story. It will be surprising who it is. You guys can guess in the comments if you want.

Hope you Enjoy!😊

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