Chapter 11: Saving Home

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This Chapter will be a bit longer than most of the other chapters so far. Enjoy!😊 Also, there is cuss words in here, so some viewer discretion advised. 

The two Gamera's appeared in a fiery orange light, right in the midst of an apocalypse. 

As Reiwa and Rebirth got their bearings, they saw the state of the world. Ash fell from the sky, and Gyaos swarms flew everywhere. Garasharps were slithering through the cities, breaking anything in their path to rubble. 

Reiwa saw KugeKira, who ripped the buildings from their roots. The Gamera's felt the pain of all the humans bellow them. Reiwa fell to his knees. "no no no... how could I have left my universe like this? How could I have failed my own home?"

Rebirth walked over to him, laying a hand on his shoulder. "It wasn't your fault. If you had been here, you would have died." "But look at this place. It's a wasteland, and Gamera wasn't around to save it." "Listen, if you hadn't helped out all the other Gamera's, their worlds would look like this." 

He sighed. "And now that we're both here, we'll send these kaiju back to hell." Somehow, this little speech calmed Reiwa down. He looked at the kaiju, and he felt an anger building up. He stood up.

"Let's do what Gamera's do best." "Umm... what is that?" "Save the world when it needs it most." "Ah, yeah. I knew that."

The two Gamera's roared at the kaiju, and they all practically jumped out of their skin. Especially when they saw two Gamera's standing there. "W-what?! How are there two of you?! Boss said only you could hop universes!" KugeKira yelled. "Well surprise bitch!" 

Rebirth gasped. "You cussed!" "Yeah, now shall we?" "Uh... yeah." The Gamera's charged, and the kaiju all came to end the two guardians...


Showa Era

Showa Gamera felt something in his gut. It was like a link to someone, telling him they were in trouble. He realized  that there was fire zooming up his body.

And then he dissapeared.

Heisei Era

Heisei felt the presence of Reiwa Gamera. He was in trouble. Heisei used his Mana, a golden light coming from his chest. 

And he dissapeared.

Toto also felt a weird pull, like someone was calling him. His chest was bright red, and he cried out. He swatted at his chest.

And then he dissapeared as well.

(In Reiwa's Universe)

The two Gamera's roared as the Gyaos swarm descended on them. Rebirth began blasting fireballs, disintegrating the Gyaos. Reiwa saw a few 30 meter Gyaos coming down to attack Rebirth. He roared, and grabbed them.

He tossed them away, and blasted them with a fire blast. They were turned to ash. As he turned, a smaller Garasharp lunged at his face. He managed to grab them before they reached him, and used a plasma blast at point blank range.

Rebirth ducked, dodged, and weaved around the kaiju, swing his claws and blasting fireballs. He was making quick work of the swarm. Until the Super Gyaos hit him in the chest. He fell on his shell, looking up to see a Gyaos his size standing over him, growling. "Uh, hey, how you doin'?"

Reiwa roared as he grabbed another Gyaos and slammed them to the ground, quickly killing them. He saw a Garasharp trying to sneak up on him, so he turned around and looked down at it. They slithered back. Gamera reached down and squished their head.

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