Chapter 6: Iris and Legion duo

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Reiwa Gamera charged at Legion, and Heisei Gamera charged Iris. 

Reiwa Gamera rammed into Legion, knocking her back. Legion got angry, and fired her beam. Reiwa Gamera roared in pain, a chunk of his skin seared off by the blast. Legion then raised her back legs, and slammed Reiwa Gamera to the ground. He goraned, and raised his hand, punching Legion in the face.

Heisei Gamera grabbed Iris, and tossed him away. Iris rose into the air, opening the end of his tentacles. He fired his Super-Sonic Scalpels, knocking Heisei Gamera to his knees. Iris descended, and picked Gamera up, tossing him aside. Heisei Gamera roared in rage, and fired thre plasma blasts at Iris. Iris blocked them by simply flicking his tentacles.

Legion tried to stab Reiwa Gamera with his head horn, but Gamera dodged it. He grabbed the horn, and pushed Legion into a nearby building. Legion roared, and pushed Reiwa Gamera off her with her back legs. Reiwa Gamera tried to hit Legion with a plasma blast, but Legion turned in time and activated her shield, blocking the blast.

Heisei Gamera swung his claws at Iris, who used his arm blades to knock the swings aside. He thrust one of the blades forward, piercing Heisei's chest. He began siphoning Gamera's DNA, powering up his overcharged Plasma. Heisei Gamera saw this, and bit Iris's neck. Iris roared in pain, and Gamera used that time to slash his chest open. Iris's eyes turned a deep red, and he back handed Heisei Gamera, and slammed two tentacles onto him.

Reiwa Gamera roared at Legion, and closed the distance between them. He pulled back his hand and slammed it against Legion's chest, causing a few snapping sounds. Legion roared in pain, and began charging her beam. Reiwa Gamera saw this, and grabbed the horns, twisting them off. Legion screamed in pain, and Reiwa ripped his smaller torso legs off as well. As he did he noticed Legions eyes turn red.

A few dozen laser whips popped out of Legions skull, making Reiwa Gamera back away in fear. Legion sent all the tentacles at Reiwa Gamera, expecting to pierce him similar to how he did so to his Gamera. But Reiwa activated his flight mode, and took off before the laser whips hit him. From the air, he unleashed a barrage of Plasma blasts. Legion's already damaged exoskeleton couldn't hold off the attacks, and he couldn't use his shield. Legion was blown apart, and Reiwa turned his attention to helping Heisei Gamera.

Heisei Gamera was struggling to fight off Iris, since he had used his own DNA to make himself stronger. Iris had ensnared all of Gamera's limbs, and was smashing his gauntleted hands against Gamera. Heisei Gamera was barely conscious anymore, and Iris was enjoying his suffering. Until he heard a whistling sound, and then felt a pain in his back.

Reiwa Gamera flew into Iris, dislodging his grip on Heisei Gamera. Iris got angry, and fired his overcharged plasma at Reiwa Gamera, one of the blasts hitting Reiwa straight in the chest. He roared in pain as the blast hit him, but then the plasma started getting sucked into his body. He flew straight at Iris, and a pulse of fire came out of his body. Iris roared as the heat hit him, melting his armor.

He fell to his knees, and when he looked up moments later, both Gamera's charging a plasma blast. Iris bent his head down, realizing he had failed. Then both Gamera's launched a plasma blast, and Iris was disintegrated.

Heisei Gamera let out a sigh of relief, and turned to Reiwa Gamera. "Thanks for helping me, me." "Of course. Now, I need to go to another universe that needs me." Heisei nodded. "Let's hope that you succeed."

Reiwa Gamera focused, and he suddenly felt a pull to another universe. He looked down, and his body began to turn a fiery orange. Heisei waved to him and said, "hopefully we meet again, me." 

And then Reiwa disappeared in a inferno of mystical orange sparks

The kaiju from the Heisei trilogy had failed him and his master. Mecha Gamera fumed. He would need to deal with this Reiwa Gamera before the whole plan was ruined. He brought over the Rebirth kaiju to him. 

"We must act now, before that Reiwa Gamera makes it to your universe. Can you defeat Rebirth Gamera?" Viras nodded. "Of course we can." "Good. At least we can destroy one of them."

He put the Rebirth kaiju back in their universe, and went to a secret throne room. In the shadows, his boss looked down upon him. "Have we made progress?" "No master, not yet. But soon we will be able to destroy at least one of the Gamera's..." A loud roar sounded from the concealed kaiju. "You had better deliver, Mecha-Gamera, or I may have to remove you." The kaiju sat back against the throne. "Reiwa Gamera may be able to help the others, but the Gamera Multiverse will fall to me."


A few things have been hinted at here, I would love to see you guys try and figure it out. The kaiju behind the scheme may surprise you!

Did a little editing, and now I think that the chapters are perfect.

I hope you Enjoy!😊

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