Pinky Promise

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(a/n): don't forget to vote if u like this book so far, it helps me out and keeps me updated to write more!!

anyway enjoy reading x


you left elijah's apartment that day and went back to leading your regular old life. you know struggling to wake up, then tending to your job(s) and hanging out with isha every once in a while. you two got to do that a lot since you had moved to her town.

though, this town wasn't treating you well. your life long dream was being a writer and since your mom and dad had to move so many cities because of their job, you wanted a stable place and you felt that place was wherever your best friend isha was.

you even landed a job as a content writer in a small company. it didn't pay well so you also had to serve tables as a waitress down the road at a local cafe but hey at least that meant free coffee for you and sometimes your friend isha as well.

life was difficult but there were many things that made it worth it. you felt like a grown up moving to a city all on your own, you were with your best friend all the time and you got to write everyday. this made you happy.

but all of that went downhill one day...

your boss had always been cranky but that day, he crossed the line and humiliated you in front of the whole staff for no reason. you hadn't done anything wrong, he was just taking out his external frustrations on you.

you'd had enough so you decided to confront him. you politely told him what was bothering you and requested him not to repeat it again but in response... he fired you brutally.

see this was bad because you couldn't pay rent without the salary of this job so after 2 weeks of not paying your due, you were kicked out of your apartment by the landlord. isha came to the rescue and invited you into her and sub's house with open arms.

you spent your days there, sleeping on their couch and continued your waitress job but you couldn't help but feel like you were being a burden on isha and sub. you felt bad for them. they had been treating you well, maybe too well.

one day, you went out to lunch with only isha since sub was out.


you looked down at the menu pretending to read it when in reality you were too busy thinking about a lot of things. this reflected in your physical movements as well since you started to tap your feet against the ground.

"you are not okay." isha picked up on your anxiousness.

"hm?" you snapped your head towards her.

"y/n we are okay with you living at our house! we love it in fact!" she put her hands over yours. she knew what was going on in your mind. she had been your best friend for 6 years after all.

"wait, are you uncomfortable living with us?"

you sighed, "i mean yeah- it feels weird i don't know."

the conversation went silent as the waiter came back with you twos orders.

"you know-" she took a bite out of her meal while yours was just sitting there.

"i know someone who finds it quite difficult to pay rent all on their own so they are looking for a roommate to share the rent with. " isha continued. this piqued your interest.

you raised your eyebrow, "and who is this someone?"

"oh just leave it." isha looked away.

"isha!" you slammed your hands against the table.

she shared a look with you, "it's a guy!"

"isha, i have been wearing the same sweatshirt for days now, i don't think i mind living with a guy at this point!" you replied.

"but this guy is not just a guy, he's elijah"

"the one who threw that housewarming party?" you confirmed.

isha nodded in response.

"and you hate that guy, don't you!"

you sighed, "it's not that i hate him! he asked me out on a date that night, i don't if he was just drunk or if he was being serious but i don't wanna hurt him again if he has feelings for me. i'd be uncomfortable living with him if he has feelings for ke. you know how i am isha! i want to get my shit together and find a job that actually makes me happy! boys aren't my priority right now! "

"i understand." she gave you a comforting look.

"only if- there was a way in which elijah could assure me that he isn't going to have feelings for me or- fall in love or something crazy like that!" you spoke in a tone of panic.

"he can- actually!" isha stated. you gave her a look which conveyed confusion from your part.

"look he's pretty desperate for a roommate, i guess i can make you two pinky promise that you can't fall in love! ever!" Isha laid out this idea.

you let out a chuckle, "how can an idea be so stupid and genuis at the same time!"

"pinky swears are serious y/n!" isha stated with a serious look on her face.

you two shared a laugh.


you were finished with your shift and sub had come back too. it was time for dinner which all of you had together at the dining table while chatting with each other. on that very dining table, isha explained her pinky promise plan to sub.

he was hesitant at first to fall through with this plan but isha convinced him. so now, it was time to get in the car and drive somewhere specific and that place was,

elijah's apartment.

you climbed up the stairs and crossed the hallway leading to elijah's apartment number. you'd be lying if you said this place didn't feel like home. it smelled of summer joy and peace.

sub knocked on the door and isha stood by your side. elijah was quick to open the door, "sub! isha! and y/n-" his gaze stopped at you.

"hi elijah." you gave him a weak smile.

"wait how do you know each other!?" he looked at everyone with confusion.

"well i am your close friend and isha is my girlfriend!" sub trailed off.

elijah sighed, "wow sub, new and fresh information! " he said sarcastically.

"i am isha's best friend- the one who moved to this town a month ago. " you explained.

after that brief introduction, isha made everyone sit down and discussed the situations at hand. you getting fired from your job, having no place of your own and staying at isha and sub's house as a temporary guest. elijah on the other, wanted a roommate to share the rent with.

"so two birds in one stone! y/n gets a place and you get to split the rent!" isha stated.

"sounds good-" elijah smiled.

isha spoke over him, "ay not too quick buddy! there's something you two have to do before becoming roommates!"

"it's something that will decide the fate between you two. it's about comfort, security and trust. " isha continued off in a dramatic tone.

y/n couldn't help but laugh.

"you two have to make a pinky promise that you will NEVER fall in love with each other!" isha crossed her arms.

elijah laughed, "this is stupid-"

then you intermingled your pinky with elijah as you two promised to never fall in love with each other.

"this is sacred and i will make sure this promise stays in tact!" isha sounded serious and firm.

Roommates ・❥・ (sketchxreader)Where stories live. Discover now