Campfire 2022

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(a/n): don't forget to vote if u like this book so far, it helps me out and keeps me updated to write more!!

anyway enjoy reading x


elijah sat around the campfire with his friends surrounding him including ethan of course. the winter blaze was present in the air as it was late december & it being late december was exactly why elijah & his friends we're having a campfire hangout together.

the noise of the group chatting & laughing blended into the background because elijah was deep in his thoughts, that were louder than the conversations of his friends cody, dylan & ethan.

elijah's mind ran with flash backs of the year 2019 & today's events both. he tapped his feet against the ground while holding a marshmallow stick over the fire. he had zoned out & dyaln noticed.

he nudged elijah, "dude your marshmallow has changed races!" dyaln said regarding it burning to black because elijah held it in place for so long while being zoned out. everyone let out a chuckle.

though, ethan saw that elijah looked to be troubled.

"bro, are you okay?" he asked.

elijah buried his face into the palm of his hands. he didn't know what to say. he was split. he trusted his brother & friends more than anything but he had never talked about this particular topic with them openly.

"elijah!" ethan prompted again.

he sighed, "i saw her- my ex. i was just out and about & i saw her. we batted eyes but we didn't talk but still i feel weird about it man i don't know-"

"it's been years, i thought you were over that girl?" cody confirmed.

ethan joined in, "yeah the first year was tough on you but then you were doing fine, great even!"

elijah took a moment before blurting the truth, "i only pretended to be fine & over it so it wouldn't be a big deal. i didn't want you guys to think that i was weak & someone who's desperately hung up over his ex!"

"but you are weak & someone who's desperately hung up over his ex... um just confirming? " dylan asked with a serious expression on his face which cracked everyone up, even ethan.

elijah looked around at everyone with an upset expression on his face. the boy's laughs echoed thru the woods. they were having a good time & elijah couldn't relate.

"i am trying to have an emotional moment over here, dumbass!" he went off on dylan.

"dude this campfire is meant to be for shits & giggles, not this-" he replied.

cody nodded, "agreed."

"cheers to shits & giggles. " dyaln stated.

everyone except elijah clinked their beer bottles together to celebrate. he just went quiet & tried to suck it up but it didn't work. he still felt hurt.

"no wait before we drop this topic, elijah did you see her with a new guy? is that why you are acting all sappy? " ethan asked that question followed up by a loud burp.

elijah didn't reply. this gave ethan the answer he was looking for.

"she got a new a boyfriend!" ethan shouted & elijah lightly nodded in response to confirm it.

cody & dylan let out a loud, "ohhhhhhh!" of curiosity in sync to tease elijah.

"maybe he's bigger than you?" ethan took a sip of his drink.

elijah shrugged, "no he looked to be my height."

"i am not talking about height elijah-" ethan burst out laughing & so did everyone else. dyaln & cody both choked on their drinks when they realized what ethan actually meant.

that was the last straw for elijah. he got up & left...


the next day ethan approached his brother & apologized for being rude. cody & dylan also stepped up & said sorry. they all explained that they were drunk & that's why they couldn't understand elijah's situation.

elijah found their apologies to be genuine enough to forgive them then he completely broke down in front of his friends & explained them everything from beginning to end.

the boys comforted elijah this time & told him that they were always gonna be here for him and in this exact moment, adrenaline rush filled elijah's body & the idea of moving out & getting a fresh start intruded his mind.

he pitched this 'getting a new  apartment nearby' idea & everyone was supportive it.

it took elijah exactly 3 months to follow thru with this idea completely & even after getting an apartment of his own he still felt a void within himself. he felt incomplete & unhappy all the time. y/n was the one who made those feelings of his go away.

to this day, elijah remembers the 2022 campfire as a really shitty day. he has completely forgiven the boys. though, whenever ethan says that him, dylan & cody didn't judge him that day elijah doesn't believe it.

he believes drunk ethan, dylan & cody judged the hell out of him and sober ethan, dylan & cody didn't. he doesn't hold it against them though.

all in all campfire 2022 is imprinted as a bad memory in elijah's mind.

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