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(a/n): don't forget to vote if u like this book so far, it helps me out and keeps me updated to write more!!

anyway enjoy reading x


you sat down on the dining table chair with your hand on your head to lessen the blaring headache you had. elijah sat on the seat right beside you in the same state meanwhile mist brewed from the coffee kettle that isha had set up.

"you don't need to do this isha- you don't have to put your life on hold to baby us... " y/n said.

"yeah we don't wanna be a burden on you and it looks like we already are!" elijah added on.

isha put down two mugs of coffee down on the table and put her hand on your shoulder while also looking at elijah, "cmon guys! i insist. i don't mind."

"in fact this is what friends do! y/n you are my best friend & elijah you are my pal too. we are all friends here! we support each other!" she continued. she incinuated that elijah & y/n were friends.

all of a sudden sub barged in thru the door right in time to her what isha said.

"i love you ish." you hugged her from the side.

"not every one of us is friends here." sub walked closer to the table, he suggested that elijah & y/n could be more.

"sub what are you doing here?" isha asked.

he replied, "it's been an hour isha, i got worried that's why i came. "

while elijah & y/n fought through their hangover sub and isha stood in a corner of the room, "don't think i forgot about the bet! if elijah & y/n end up dating i win and you owe me 5 dollars babe." sub reminded isha.

"that isn't happening." she said firmly.

the game was on.


"so you two had a wild night last night ha?" sub joined you two on the dining table.

"crazy how sometimes how you meet the right kind of people! " sub hit elijah on the back playfully whilist he was eating.

"mhm" he nodded while still swallowing his breakfast.

sub still budged, "what did you two even do last night?"

"sub!" isha tried shutting him up.

"we had drinks, elijah became super clingy & afraid of the ghosts in the apartment then we passed out. that's all. why are you asking?" you replied to sub.

elijah disrupted his breakfast to gasp, "there's ghosts in this apartment!? "

on the other side sub replied, "uhh no reason."

"how about we go on a walk & get some fresh air it'll relieve your guys hangover! " isha put forth this idea to make the awkwardness go away.

both you & elijah agreed.


the cold morning wind graced your face as you walked down the main street of the city which was an hour away from your apartment. this was your first time seeing it.

the brick layered pavement, busy roads with busy people, food stalls and shops with displays at the windows - all of it was new and fascinating to you as you didn't know this town had a side like this.

isha & sub were walking ahead hand in hand while intermingling in conversation. you & elijah were lagging behind but you were planning to catch up. though, you realized elijah wasn't next to you.

you turned around and saw elijah standing in front a shop window, staring at a dress with an expression of both hurt and hope.

you walked to him and put your arm over his shoulder, "yeah i bet you'd look gorgeous in that." you teased & laughed.

"you are right actually but gosh! i am not looking at the dress, i am looking at the flowers next to it." elijah explained.


"they are roses with such an unique color & they don't go bad for a long time...that's their specialty. i've been eyeing them for years but never got the chance to give them to the person i wanted." he opened up.

"your ex?" you asked because you remembered elijah mentioning his ex back when you helped him with his comeback video.

he nodded.

"i bet they'd look really pretty on their own- on the table by the tv in our apartment. " you suggested.

he kept his gaze locked at those flowers and the hope twinkling in eyes had faded away now there was only hurt, "yeah" he mumbled.

"you can go buy them if you want... " you spoke.

he took a step forward but stopped abruptly.

"you can afford it can't you?"

"yeah." he looked down at the ground, his behavior was off.

you folded your arms and joked to lift the spirits up, "go buy it on your own if you want, don't just stand here, i am not gonna be your sugar mommy!"

it worked. he shared a chuckle with you.

"you are too broke for that." he even added onto the joke.

then you two started walking and catching up to the isha & sub.

"elijah, what happened with your ex?" you ended up asking after having many second thoughts.

he sighed, "oh well it all kind goes back to campfire 2022 with my friends. that's when it all came out and- uhhh never mind."

"no what happened on that year's campfire? "

"nothing. don't worry about it! " he brushed it off and you didn't push him any further even though he odd behavior did worry you. whatever happened hurt him very much, it looked like.

then you walked around with isha & sub until lunch time. everyone ate out at a restaurant then went their separate ways...

the day ended but you were left with many questions regarding campfire 2022.

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